Chapter 08: Case Of The Crazies.

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Suddenly, a police car drove up to the cabin, and revealed that Allison's father came out, with his badge, and name tag, labeled Sheriff Norman Snipes. Sheriff Norman got out of his car, after parking near the cabin.

"Oh jeez, my Dad's here," Allison said. "Ralph, I just got a call from Joe the diner chef, and he said that you might be here," Norman said. "How many times do I need to give you a week to sleep in the cell next to my office?" "Enough to make you realize that no one is safe here," Ralph explained. "Especially for these poor teenagers." "Look, you are just overreacting," Norman said. "Just because you saw a bunch of corpses that we didn't find, doesn't mean this place has a curse."

"I know the corpses are still here," Ralph said. "You just didn't manage on looking everywhere. They are buried at the same place the ten year old drowned in at 1997. That boy is still out there, along with the counselor's that forgot to watch him. They died the year after he drowned. Someone is here, and once revenge for what happened to him."

"That's it, hands behind your back," Norman said. "Another week in the cell should be enough to cure that brain of yours." After the sheriff pulled out a pair of handcuffs, he placed them around the fisherman's wrists. "Mark my words, Sheriff, and children," Ralph said. "This camp is not the safest place for you to be. For a killer is striking everyone here. It wants revenge for what happened to Jason. It will never rest until every last one of you is floating in the ocean with the boys corpse. You are all doomed."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Norman said, and dragged Ralph into the back of his car. Allison picked up the tower, by the time Norman got the fisherman in the car. "Sorry to interrupt your little camping trip, kiddo," Norman said. "I was just doing my job so "Sir Crazy A Lot" doesn't bother anyone here." "It's fine Sheriff Snipes," Justin said. "Allison was just drowning in the lake, but we managed on rescuing her after she passed out and floated to the surface." "My leg was caught in kelp, but it broke by the time I kept on flapping out of the water." "Well just remember to ignore what Ralph says, and be sure to come back once the end of August comes around," Norman said. "We will Dad," Allison said.

Just as Norman got back in his car, he drove off taking the handcuffed fisherman with him. "So did you see any other dead bodies in that lake?" Ron asked. "Only Leanne's," Allison answered. "But I'm starting to think that Ralph might be right about this place." "Allison, your old man said that we shouldn't listen to him," Justin answered. "Besides, for all you know you could have been sleeping while you were swimming." "Guys, I think one of the clouds is turning gray," Tasha said. "We should probably go inside one of the cabins, if it plans to rain." "Sounds like a good idea," Ron agreed. "But first we need to turn the canoe upside down so it doesn't get filled."


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