Forget About Love

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October 11, 1963
I've searched and searched and searched, but no sign of Bendy. At this point I am sure he hates me and has fallen out of love. I blame this all on me, if only I had said it sooner then maybe right now, we would be together, but no I decided to just cry and stare at him like deer in headlights!

I do not blame him, I would have left too, but not this long. Me not saying 'I love you' back broke him. Anyone by now would have just left or met someone else, but not me. I made a promise to him, and I am keeping it. I love him too much to just abandon him. And that love for him is what is keeping me continuing my search for him.

I decided to retrace my steps to see if there was another way that I did not take. Doing so led me back to an area that was my favorite. Heavenly Toys. Oh, how beautiful it was, all the plushies everywhere, Bendy cutouts, it was like a second haven to me. There was one Bendy cutout that I would talk to when I would walk around when Bendy was off doing something. The cutout seemed a bit older than the others, and it had an ink handprint on its left cheek. "Hey you. Where do you suppose he is hiding at?" When I talked to the cutout it never responded back, but I would just keep talking to it. Being here really did make me a bit more crazy. "I don't know where else he could be cutout. If you were him where would you go?" Again, no response. But I notice something different on him. His handprint, was wet. Bendy! I touched the ink, and then I had a vision.

It was the ink machine, but it was sitting on top of a much larger machine. Could that be where he was? "Wait a second, I saw chains hidden in the corner around here. That means the chains are connected to the ink machine, which means it will lead me too Bendy!"

In excitement I kiss the cheek of the cutout. "Thank you so much cutout!" Running with excitement towards the area that had the chains I quickly found out that there was a fence blocking me from getting to the machine. "Ah come on!" Looking around at my surroundings I see an axe. It looks decent for its age. The handle was covered in ink. Did Bendy leave this for me? Was he aware that I was coming for him? Oh, who cares I am getting down there and reuniting with my devil darling!

Grabbing the axe, I start swinging it with all my might, trying to break the fence. "Please work for me, please!" And with that the fence fell. I dropped the axe as well no longer needing it. Stepping over the fence I see the chains leading down to a dark abyss. "He's down there, I know he is." The chains were a good distance away, so I had to get a good jump. I did not care what would happen, nothing was going to stop me now. Not when I am so close to seeing him.
I back up and prepare myself for the leap of faith.

Bolting towards the chains I jump at the last second. My arms extended out as far as they could go, trying to grab ahold of the chains, and lucky I did. I wrapped my arms and legs around these dusty, old chains. Not even thinking I let go with my arms and celebrate. "Woo! I made it!!" But not even a second later I was falling. Really fast. I had to grab back on the chains or else I would die from the fall. Twisting my body in midair I tried my best to get my hands linked back on the chains before I hit the ink machine. Luck was on my side today as I managed to grab back on, only downside was my left palm got cut. Blood started to come out, but only a little bit.

I started climbing down the chains, but the pain in my hand made it difficult. The pain was so much that I let go of the chains with my left hand and continued down with only my right. After a while I finally made it to the machine. "Hang on Bendy, I'm coming." I released my grip and tumbled onto the machine. "Hmm, maybe the entrance is below somewhere." Seeing that there was ink surrounding the place I found that to be the safest option for me rather than trying to climb down with only one hand. "I'm doing this for you Bendy. You better still love me or else there will be hell."

Without another word I leaped into the massive ink pool. Swimming in ink was difficult but I did manage to find the entrance. Pulling myself up, I noticed that my palm was not hurting anyone. Looking at my palm I saw that the cut was gone and replaced with a black streak in my palm. "Huh, that's new." I stood up and started walking towards the doors. The walls had these human-like creatures in them, but they had orange eyes, and their bodies were covered in ink. Ignoring the feeling of being watched I found a lever. "Ok Y/N, this is it. Don't screw this up!" Pulling down on the lever the doors open. My heart starts to beat faster. Once they opened all the way I expected to see Bendy, but he was not there. Walking in I take notice of everything.

Little cartoon clips of the characters were showing. Then dead center was a throne. Walking up to it I started to hear whimpering. Bendy? Peering over the throne I saw him. My heart dropped.

After so many years of being alone he found a human that he could love, but then I guess when he saw that I didn't say anything back he felt betrayed. I held back my tears; I cried for far too long. Tapping on the throne seemed to have gotten his attention. I am surprised that he did not hear the doors opening. Bendy looked up to where I was, seeing me make him melt into a puddle and disappear.

"Bendy?" I said looking around until someone tapped on my shoulder. I instantly turned around and I was finally, after so many weeks searching for him, looking at my devil darling. Before I could even say 'I love you' Bendy pulled me in one of the tightest hugs I have ever had. I returned the hug as well, finally feeling complete. He let go of me and started to sign really fast. 'Oh Y/N! I am so sorry! I never meant to leave you for so long, honest! I needed some time to think to myself and when I-' but I grabbed both of his hands and held them in mine. I smiled softly at him, releasing my grip on him. Then instead of talking, I decided to sign to him.

"I can't forget about my heart"

'I can't forget about my heart'

"And how it felt to fall for you right from the start"

'I'm still falling'

"Whatever we may do"

'Whatever we may do'

"You are here for me, and I'll be there for you"

'I'll be there'

"'To wish, to want, to wander. To find the sun through rain and thunder'"

'A cozy rendezvous'

"Yes, please!"

'Candlelight for two'

"'We can't forget about love!'"

And with that we shared a passionate kiss.
Ohhhhh boyyy this one was longer than the others, but I hoped you enjoyed this one!! 

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