Into Eden's Gate

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Deputy P.O.V.

Do you have to kill your enemy?
Can't you just love them? In some way or another?

Weird I know that, having a crush on John Seed, I should hate him for tearing apart Hope County. I mean, the man acts like a saint, but he has made people suffer, stolen properties, and, did I forget, the man is a psycho to the highest degree? But here I am watching the stupid cult propaganda that he put out on my TV at my cabin, and as I watch, all I can think about is whether to kiss, fuck, or punch this man.

I mean, those blue eyes and silver-tongued voice would make anyone melt, and I will admit this man has charm. I could see him being a politician, but a crazy cult leader. It wouldn't have been my first choice of job if I were him, but to each his own, I suppose.

You know it's funny when you start having feelings for the enemy. I mean, I won't lie, Sharky and Addie have always joked about the sexual tension between John and me since the first time I came here.

But one night at The Spread Eagle, I heard Sharky and Addie were taking bets on who would fuck who first, and I had to settle it once and for all. So, I hatched a plan to get captured. I decided to visit a silo to blow it up and see if Johnny Boy would come after me. I grab my sniper and some grenades; I bought a 4-wheeler from one of the Resistance shops, and I head over to one of the cult-occupied farms.

---------------------------------------------------- John's P.O.V --------------------------------------------------------

As I sat in my office at my ranch in Holland Valley, I was going through my list of sinners who had not confessed yet. While looking at the list to see who I would send my men after, I came across the most wanted sinner in all of Hope County, Deputy (Y/N) (L/N).

While looking at the list to see who I would send my men after, I came across the most wanted sinner in all of Hope County, Deputy (Y/N) (L/N). I just couldn't understand how such a beautiful creature could be the most wanted sinner in all of Hope County, Deputy (Y/N) (L/N).I just couldn't understand how such a beautiful creature could be found among my list of sinners who had not confessed yet. While looking at the list to see who I would send my men after, I came across the most wanted sinner in all of Hope County, Deputy (Y/N) (L/N). I just couldn't understand how such a beautiful creature could be the most wanted sinner in all of Hope County, Deputy (Y/N) (L/N).Denied the power of yes.

Wait, am I really having feelings for a sinner? Maybe I am. Am I letting my lust overpower my job as the Baptist of Eden's Gate? .. It's possible, but no. I mean, don't get me wrong, she is my enemy, and I would love nothing more than to hear her screams as I make her submit to the power of yes. But I couldn't help feeling the way I did; if she had not cuffed Joseph, maybe she could have been a profit to our cause. But she had to go and join the Resistance and try to ruin all that my family has built and worked hard for.

But I guess if I'm going to sin, I might as well be with our county's most "wanted" sinner. I put the list down to go through other cult property deeds that I was in charge of making sure the deeds were up-to-date and such, when about 15 minutes later I hear the radio on my desk crackle to life. I hear one of my men say the deputy is causing trouble, and a wicked smile graces my lips.

This may be my chance to catch her myself and show her who she is messing with. I answer the distress call and tell my men that I will be there personally to deal with the problem. I get up from my desk and grab my pistol. I strapped it to my black vest. I smoothed out my silk blue shirt and black jeans, and I shrugged off my black trench coat. I head down the stairs of my cabin, put on my black boots, and head over to my black SUV.

I start it and head to the apple farm, where my silo is being attacked. I grabbed my radio that was in the front seat, tuned it to her radio frequency channel, and clicked the button to speak to her.
"My dear deputy, it seems like you are letting your wrath out. It seems like you have forgotten who runs this county."

Into Eden's Gate : John Seed StoriesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat