Chapter 2 - The Amazing world

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* 2nd person's P.O.V

 Gumball and Darwin were just on the couch playing video games. Gumball defected Darwin in Super mash bros. Darwin asked " Aww! how are you so good at this game?." Gumball smirk " I don't know. Probably because I'm the smash bros master." Darwin asked " Really? Then, how come when your good at something you always call yourself the ' Master ' of it ." Gumball said " So what? You call yourself the fish out of water and Nemo's brother." Darwin said " Because I am a fish out of water!." Anais came downstairs " Guys! Can I watch Daisy the donkey show?. They're showing a new episode tonight." Gumball said " Can't you see where we're playing video games?. Actually I think from your height you could just see our legs." Darwin gasped " Dude you shouldn't make fun of her." Anais said " You take that back! Give me the tv or else." Gumball asked " Or else what? You're gonna cry?." Anais steps on the game console. The tv was glitching, Gumball widen his eyes and cried " Nooooo! You monster." He drops off the couch and cries on his knees. Then, a swirling portal appears on the Tv. Anais gasped " What's going on?. Why is there a portal on the tv?." The whole house was shaking like an earthquake was passing through. Darwin screams " We all gonna die!." Gumball holds on to Darwin " Darwin hold me!." Darwin was choking " Stop! You're squeezing me too hard." Gumball lefts go of Darwin " Oh sorry bro." The house was transforming back and forth to normal to statics. The Portal drops off a strange figure and then, vanishes. The house turns back to normal and everyone was breathing heavily. 

The Amazing World of Gumball: The Other worldWhere stories live. Discover now