Chapter 8 - Press a Button!

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Y/N = Your Name 

* 2nd person's P.O.V

You and your friends were eating at Joyful Burger. Anais asks "  So...who's gonna pay for this food?." Gumball took a bite from his burger " You." Anais grunted, Darwin drank his soda " Relax! I'll pay for this." Darwin pulls out a small treasure chest and opens it. Some bubbles were released  but, Gumball quickly close it " I...think you should save those for later." He pushes the chest back to Darwin "It's for the best." Darwin asks " Then, who's gonna pay for the food?. We can't just leave without paying." A tall gray man walks in and asks " So, how are you kids enjoying your meal." You ate some French fires " It's great sir!." The tall gray man looks at Gumball " And are you paying for this meal?." Gumball said " Of course I would Larry." Larry crosses his arms " Really? Because the last time you left without paying." The tv turns on ' We interrupted this chapter to bring you some wild news." Anais gasped " Larry! Turn up the volume." Larry pulls out the remote and presses a button. He kept clicking it and nothing happened. You pull out your remote and looked at the buttons. You pressed the volume button and the world glitched for a second. Larry yells " I don't know what's going on!." His voice was louder than normal. Larry looks you " What did you do?!." Gumball covers his ears " Make it stop Y/N." You pressed the paused button and world glitched again. This time, Larry was just standing there. Darwin snaps his fingers in front of Larry. He said " I think we broke him." Gumball said " Quick! We have to get out of here." Everyone ran of the restaurant and Darwin said to Gumball " Dude!."  Gumball goes back to the table and pulls out some dollars. He placed them on the table and ran back with the others. Larry falls over still frozen in place. 

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