Chapter 13 - The Void

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Y/N = Your Name

* 3rd person's P.O.V

Gumball was laying on the ground, he gets up " Ow! That's gonna leave a mark or two." Someone kick him from behind. Gumball turns back to see Rob very angry. Rob yells " You moron! Why dodn't you ever listen to me?!." He points at him " We're all gonna die because of You and Y/N." Gumball said " What are you talking about?!." Rob said " This world isn't gonna stay forever." Gumball widen his eyes, Rob continued " If we don't get Y/N home our world is going to be combined with her."  He sighs " But Y/N will be trap in this world forever." Gumball felt tears coming and he tried to hold them back. Rob said " And when our world gets combined....she'll died in our world." Gumball was crying, Rob ask " Are you okay man?." Gumball turns his back on him " No! Boys don't cry and either do I." Rob turns him around and saw him weeping. Rob checks his pocket, Rob gasps " Wait...the remote." They both look around and saw the remote standing on a platform. Gumball moans " Oh man! If only where was someway to get over there." Rob looks around and noticed a weird horse with huge wings. Gumball sees it as well " Oh come! Anything but that."  Rob runs towards the horses "  There's no time to waste come on." Gumball shrugs " Actually you can get the remote I'll just stay." A huge piece of glass falls on top of him. Gumball looked like a flat whooped cushion and he pushes it off " Okay okay!." Gumball walks towards the horse and climbs on. The horse takes off while mooing. Gumball giggles " You know for a world of mistakes this one is actually funny." Rob sighs " Just shut up already." 

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