Chapter 5 - Channel Chaser

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Y/N = Your Name

* 3rd person's P.O.V

Back in your world, An alarm clock went on. Y/N's dad turned it off and woke up. His wife woke up as well " Good morning sweetheart." Y/N's mom got up and went to Y/N's bedroom. She knocked on the door and said " Wake up sweetheart! It's morning." No one answered, You knocked again " Y/N...wake up." Y/N's mom opens the door and screams. Her husband runs in " Honey? What is it?." He looks inside Y/N's bedroom and their daughter was missing. Y/N's mom cries " Where's my baby?." The husband runs downstairs " Y/N!." They searched in and out of the house. Y/N's mom pulls out her phone " We have to call the cops." A voice said " There's no need for that." Y/N's mom looks up to her husband " What are you talking about?." Y/N's dad said " I didn't say that." A voice said " Look behind you." They turned around and saw the tv. There were statics all over the screen, a voice said " Your daughter no longer exitence in this world." Y/N's dad asks " Where's Y/N?." The voice said " She's here. Breaking our small world." It said " Soon, our worlds will combine into one void. Unless, your daughter could save us all." Y/N's mom walks up to the tv " Who are you?." The lights were flickering and the house was shaking. The couple holds each other, the voice said " It's starting!." The tv was creating a portal and it was sucking them both. They tried to fight but, the pull was too strong. They were pull into the portal and the tv screen cracked. 

* ??? P.O.V

I shook my head ' It's worst than i thought.' I thought ' I must stop this before it's too late.'  I look up ' I must get that remote and stop Y/N.' 

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