Chapter 7 - Breaking the universe

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* ???'s P.O.V

I was running through the streets and noticed something out of place. I stopped in front of my archenemies' house. There was a portal on the ground sucking everything. I thought ' Oh no! It's starting.' It was trying to pull me in, I grabbed a street pole and held on to it. I tired to pull myself away from the portal. The portal was staring to grow strong. The street pole was starting to get up from the ground. I had to find another object to hold on to. I saw a fire hydrant close by. I jump towards the fire hydrant, The street pole being suck into the portal. I started running from the portal. Everything in Elmore was getting pull away.  People, Cars, Buildings, and Trees were being suck into the hole. I thought ' I have to find that remote before there's nothing left in Elmore.' I ran off to find the remote while everything was being destroyed. 

* 3rd person's P.O.V

Meanwhile in the Real world, Everyone was just minding their own business. Until someone noticed something in the sky. It was a huge rip across the blue sky, Someone pointed at the sky " Look up in the sky." Most of the people looked up and saw random objects falling from above. A Huge car was about to land on a child. A mother dragged them away and ran. The car landed on the sidewalk and everyone was screaming. An old man was holding a sign ' The end is near.' Y/N's mom and dad ran out of their house. Mom said " Oh my god! What's happening?." Dad look up to see a building coming towards them, he pulls his wife away and the building landed in the middle of the street. Dad said " Do you think this is what the tv meant by?." Mom asked " Our worlds will be combined?." They ran off to their car and drove to safety. 

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