Chapter 13

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I woke up exhausted as hell from yesterday's running session. I checked the clock to see it was 7:20 and school starts at 7:30, oh SHIT SHIT SHIT. I wore the first thing I saw in the closet, i wore no makeup and i put my hair in a messy bun and not the cute type of messy bun. I checked myself in the mirror and it's safe to say I look like shit.

I checked my phone to see 10 missed calls and 5 text messages from Caleb and it's 7:25. I went to my car,got in and started the engine. It was now 7:35 and i am in front of the school. I got out of the car and ran to my first class which was chemistry btw.

I enter the class and apologise to the teacher I was looking for an empty seat and my eyes landed on one which was beside Aiden, what a better way to start my morning. I had to pass by him first in order to get to my seat I asked him to give me some space. "no" was his answer I wasn't going to ask him again so I kicked him in his legs and it worked but after cursing.

I sat down with my copybook in front of me I was listening to the teacher.

when Aiden spoke up "I guess someone woke up on the wrong side of the ..... bed" he laughed at me, told you i look like shit.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I smirked.

"Are you always angry?" He asked.

"Are you always stupid?" I mocked him.

"Can you two shut up?" That was Mrs. Penelope.

"Sorry" i replied

"So as I was saying you have an assignment to do I will be in pairs and you don't get to choose" Mrs.Penelope said.

just great Mrs.Penelope started to name the group when she was naming the group I noticed that she was picking the groups based on the first letter of our names please don't put me with ...

"Aiden Rhodes and Ava Snow" she said. Can this day get any worse ?.

" Mrs. Penelope is there any chance that I can switch partners?" I asked.

"You know very well Ava you can't do that"  she said and she's right I can't but I can't work with him either.

"I want this project handed in a week" she informed us, wait I don't know what the project is about.

"Any girl would die to work with me" he smirked.

"Well, i love my life and I don't want to die just to work with you" i said. Or at least i used to love it.

"Ouch" he said while touching his heart.

"Do you know what's the project?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"No" i replied

"Well, it's pretty easy. We have to do an experiment and represent it professionally in front of the class" he explained.

"That's easy" i said.

"Yes she said that she wanted to start the class with a simple project" he said.

"Well, when are you free?, so we can work on it?" I asked him.

"I am free tomorrow, you can come to mine" he suggested, i was going to say library but I don't do project there.

"I will see" i said and got out of the class. It was lunch time, i sat down in my usual spot waiting for Caleb. After a couple of minutes, i saw him coming.

"Hey A" he said while kissing my cheek.

"Hey,boo" i said

"I see you had a rough morning" he laughed

"Shut up" I replied

"Did you look at yourself in the mirror this morning?" He asked with a smirk. I kicked him playfully.

"Do i look that bad?" I asked

"No, you look a little um .... different" he replied nervously, i know i look bad and I don't care but i love the look on his face.

"Hey, you can be honest with me" i said

"Ok youlookbad" he replied and I barely heard.

"So How did your first chemistry class go?" He asked.

"So bad, i got paired up with Aiden and I am supposed to go to his house tomorrow to start the project" i answered him.

"I don't see why you hate him so much" he replied.

"I don't hate him yet. He is just so arrogant and full of himself and you know I don't like these type of guys" i said

"Well, give him a chance" he said.
Do you think Ava will go to Aiden's house?

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