Chapter 19

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Sitting in the big black SUV, I could feel my hands getting clammier and clammier by the second.

Not very attractive.

I may have acted ready and tough in front of Tom when he first asked me to come, but to be completely honest I've been anxious the whole of today.

I mean, I am going to be meeting mafia leaders.

The ruthless, brutal and self-centred mafia leaders that have lead their mob to some sort of victory.

And here I was, only a couple of days ago feeling proud that my parents gang could do hand to hand combat.


You know, its really going to come in handy when I accidentally trip and fall on a mob member and fourteen odd guns are pointing at me.

I'm going to die.

But I'm not going o think like that.

I have Haz, Janus and Tom with me. I'll be fine.

Plus I have a feeling Tom has many eyes around the ball, but hidden around.

I suspect that other mob leaders will have members attending and pretending to work, they would be silly not to.

And you never know what could go wrong at these sort of events.

I was so caught up in my busy thoughts that I hadn't even realised that the car had come up a stop and the doors where open.

"Y/n?" I look up to see Tom looking down at me, his hand stretched out waiting for me to take it.

Usually I wouldn't use his useless aid, but today I did.

Maybe it was because of my nerves, or maybe it was something to do with earlier, I wasn't sure.

All I knew though, was that when one large hand clasped around my small hand sparks flew up my arm. I sobered at the contact, despite the amount seemingly tiny compared to earlier's.

I was also surprised at the way they Tom simply gave me a small smile as I stepped out the car. On any other day he would have made a snarky remark like, 'you coming today, or waiting till one direction reunites?'

Okay, if he had said that I either would have died of shock, pissed my pants from laughing, or been over joyed at what he said.

Anyway, we slowly walk up the steps to a huge mansion.

When I said that toms mansion was huge, I wasn't lying. So when I say that this mansion is enormous, I'm also not lying.

Let me help you to imagine the size of the mansion. Okay, so if Chris Hemsworth, Kylie Jenner, Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Elvis Presley, Beyoncé, Maryland Monroe and Audrey Hepburn added of all their fame together, it wouldn't add up to the size of this mansion.

(I know that that was terrible but just go with it as Adam Sandler once acted in)

"Nervous love?" I hear Tom whisper beside me.

"No." I lie.

"Really, because your gaming hands are telling me otherwise." He says, at an even quieter volume than before.

I sigh and break eye contact with him, looking forward and being extra careful to make sure that I don't fall in the difficult process of walking in heels.

Be badass, be badass, be badass.

I keep telling myself as I try to steady my breathing.

We enter into a huge hall, where people are sitting at tables on the outskirts, dancing in the centre and talking at the bar.

Mine and Tom's arms are still interlinked, but I use my free hand to swiftly and subtly feel for the gun on my leg.

It's secure, and I sigh in relief.

Haz and Janus stand by the bar, engaging in conversation with a large built man.

Tom and I walk around slowly, and he whitely point spur the people who are the safest allies, and some I should stay away from.

He has more allies, who are mainly the main leaders of mafias from around the world. His more dislikable leaders seem to be the slightly smaller mobs. I'm guessing that they are jealous of his success at such a young age.

We went around and spoke to a couple of leaders. We spoke to the Russian mafia leader, who seemed to be very allied with Tom. Then we spoke to the French, Spanish and Italian leaders.

The most dangerous and serious seemed to be the Italian leader.

Him and Tom were allies, and I was glad. Mafias all started in Sicily, Italy. I guess that he had the upper hand in most things, likely chose how most mafias were run these days, even if he wasn't running them himself.

Even though he was a cold and closed off man, I could see that he had a liking for Tom. He spoke to him differently to how he spoke to the other leaders.

He must be in his late fourties, an from what I've heard, he started very young, similar to Tom.

I noticed hat he had a short temper, yet he respected Tom. From what I can see, before the Italian leader was the largest and most feared man, he was similar to Tom. Of course, Tom is feared and ruthless, but you can tell that he is trying to make Tom similar to him.

Tom introduces me to him.

"This is Y/n, y/l/n." I nod and shake his hand firmly. "You may have heard about her parents gang."

"Ah yes, I recognise the name y/l/n. They were huge, until that one night that changed everything. However, I didn't know they had a daughter." He says wish strong accent.

"Yes, they liked to keep me under the radar." I say quickly, not wanting to say anything wrong and have my head blown off.

They talk a little longer, me not saying much after, except nodding and agreeing with a few things.

Tom grabs my hand and gives it a quick squeeze.

He whispers in my ear, "meet me at the bar, I'll be there in a second."

I nod at him and say a quick goodbye to the Italian leader, not wanting to be rude towards a man would could kill me with the snap of his fingers.

As I turn around I hear him say something to Tom in a low voice.

"I want you to grow up and become like me, except, better than me." He said something else but I didn't quite pick up on it.

I walk slowly, still trying to bodily listen and the last clear thing I hear him say is something that shocks me a lot.

"I believe you can change mobs just like how I did when I was your age. I like her, she can help you."

I smile as I walk away, two thoughts running through my head.

One, the Italian mafia leader likes me, which could be an amazing opportunity for the gang.

And two, he thinks that Tom needs me.

And I know which one makes me happier, because only today have I realised that Tom makes me happy.

Authors note:
The next chapter will be less about gangs and more Tom x y/n content! Also, something intense may or may not happen very soon, maybe sooner than you think ;)

Thank you so much for reading!

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