Chapter 30

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Quick authors note:
Everyone please go and follow Rj5401  they left me the sweetest message of all time in their announcements and honestly it made my whole year. Thank you all for the support you have shown throughout writing this and I hope you continue to enjoy my stories!

Tom's POV
Watch your back bîtch, that was only the start.

I kept reading and rereading the note, trying to decipher anything. I didn't realise how angry I really was until I felt y/n's small hand touch my arm. I looked down to see that I had destroyed the note.

"Y/n we need to get you out of here until we can get to Alan." I growl in anger.

"I can't leave though." She says.

I knew that she had to be connected to all these medicines and machines, but I needed to get her out of here.

The fact that Alan was here while we weren't causes goose bumps to crawl up my skin.

Who knows what else he could have done with y/n in this state.

The thought alone makes me feel ill.

I quickly jog to a nurse and tell her that I need y/n transferred to my mansion. She should be safer there.

It will also make the hospital safer so the doctors had no arguments to make.

Two hours later y/n was safe in the mansion.

I was currently in my office, reading through files about Alan, his bar and potential allies he has made.

I go up to check on y/n, and when I go into her temporary room I see her deep in thought.

"Are you okay love?" I ask.

"Tom.. maybe I should be used to get to Alan. I mean there's no other way and everyone would be safer if-"

My fists ball up at my sides just thinking about the idea of y/n getting herself in danger for the gang.

"There's no way in hell that you are going." My voice came out harsher than I planned and I instantly felt bad.

"Well it's the only way and we all know he will kill me either way!" She raises her voice a little.

"Y/n if you think for a moment I will let you do that than you are an idiot." I try shouting some sense into her.

"Maybe I'm not the idiot Tom! Look, Alan wants me dead, and he probably has so many of your enemies helping him. At least me going out there means there is a chance of me not dying." She shouts at me, but then sits back and takes a deep breath from the pain.

"Look at yourself. You got shot, you got tortured, and now you want to risk your life. Who the hell are you?" She leans further back at me harsh tone and hard words.

Maybe I should have taken a different approach in explain that she can't do it to her. This is the first time y/n and I have ever argued like this before, and I don't like it.

After our disagreement I didn't really see y/n for the next couple of days.

I mean, I checked up on her while she was asleep, but apologising isn't something I'm good at.

However, I knew I needed to see her today because this was the day she could finally stand up and walk around.

I went into her room to see her already awake and ready.

She didn't see me at first, because when she looks up at me she jumps a little.

"Oh... hi Tom." She greets me awkwardly.

"Hey." I say, looking at the floor trying to avoid her eyes.

When I do look up I see the small eye roll she gives me.

Haz and Janus walk in, both of them looking excited for y/n to be getting up.

"Let's get you back up and running y/n." Haz says.

Y/n slowly sits up in the bed and slides her legs so that they are dangling off the bed.

"Are you ready?" Janus asks.

She nods and stands up weakly, grabbing into Haz's arm for support.

I stand over there to aid her if she needs it, but she makes sure not to use me.

After a little while of walking around the room she tells us that she's ready to go around the house.

Haz and Janus have to go to sort out a shipment however, so now it's just y/n and I.

I don't remember a shipment coming in today though...

Those dîckheads.

They must have heard our fight from a couple of days ago.

Y/n walks out the room, not even waiting for me. She walks down the hallway, slower than she usually would but she has no real trouble with the actual walking.

When she reaches the stairs she looks around at me and I rush towards her.

"Could I get some help going down the stairs please?" She asks me, looking around so that she can't meet my eyes.

"Of course." I tell her gently.

She holds the banister and I walk next to her, holding her arm and waist keeping her sturdy and balanced.

She's near the bottom when she trips and little.

Y/n's POV
Just when I think I'm about to slam onto the hard ground Tom'a arms wrap around me, holding me against him.

We stay like this for a moment, even though he could have let go with me. His arms are around me possessively, as if he were trying to protect me from the dangers of the outside world.

Soon enough I melt into his grip.

"I'm sorry for earlier." He whispers and I look up at him.

He looks back down at me with a serious face. I give him a small smile. "It's okay." I say.

"I'm sorry for arguing with you, even though I am right." I feel his chest vibrate as he chuckles.

He then let's go of me, too soon if you ask me, and we simply walk around the house in silence.

The only difference than before is that this time we are hand in hand.

Authors note:
Thank you for reading!

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