«So stubborn»

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I'd been here for three weeks. THREE WEEKS! How long does it take to explain or fight your way to a leader? I knew time differences were apparent but seriously all I want now is for all this to be over. Sipping a coffee while reading spellbook for something to pass the time I heard the kitchen door open. 

"You're spending a lot of time reading." Glancing up from the book it was Steve. He had a glass of water in his hand walking over towards me. 

"Well, I need to do something to spend my time." I murmured taking a final large gulp of the caffeine. 

"What about training Thor mentioned you'd never train with him." Sighing I shut the book in front of me.

"And did he happen to mention I've only been in Asgard for a month. I'm still working on my spells." Steve gave me a look placing the glass of water he had on the counter still keeping a neutral facial expression.

"Even with spells knowing how to stop a knife from being impaled into your stomach would help." Standing from the counter chair at the same time Black Widow came walking in.

"That why she's been training with me."Steve raised an eyebrow looking between myself and Natasha.

"So you have been training?" Nodding the conversation stopped when a bright light shone throughout the room. 

"They're back," I whispered running out of the room, I'd made sure to hold onto everything knowing they'd come back at any given time. Just for this moment. But when running out it was only Thor. 

"I've come to bring you home Lady (Y/N)." Thor grinned meeting me in the main doorway. 

"It's good to see you, where's Loki?" Thor gave me a tight hug almost breaking one or two of my ribs in the process. 

"He's on Asgard, Odin did not care for my desition to bring him back to earth so soon after what happened." 

"Never did we." Toney walked in from the lab with Bruce next to him. "Good to see you point break. Taking back  Mirir are ya?" Scoffing I rolled my eyes at the nickname.

"I tell you how I ended up in Asgard and then I get the most annoying nickname." He grinned before patting my back.

"Yes, I'm sorry if you're not ready to leave but there's a conversation Odin needs to have with you." Nodding we left back for Asgard. Nothing seemed to have changed, all the buildings were fine, I would have thought this place would be in flames.

"Quick question, how long did this all take to settle?" I asked when we were walking back. Thor looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"A day maybe two." Shit, right the time difference. Humming out and nodding my head in understanding I didn't question him any further. People in the palace turned to look at the two of us walking through the hallways but Thor ignored them focusing on making it to the throne room. 

"Father I've brought Lady (Y/N)." Thor proudly said shouting out into the room the moment we arrived. 

"I've got lots to do so let's just keep this short. No one will be after you any longer, we've stopped the enemy and you're now safe here in Asgard. You'll continue to train under Frigga." He then looked back to a map in front of him. 

"And what of Loki?" I asked and Odin didn't look up towards me as he said.

"Back in prison for his crimes. Now go." I wanted to press on the topic but Thor grabbed my shoulder hushing me out of the room.

"Why did you pull me out of there. I wanted to try and...."

"I'll take you to see him." I blinked a few times staring at Thor as he started walking off. 

"You'll what?" I said starting to jog beside him due to Thor's long strides. 

"To see Loki, I know you'll want to thank him for helping you." Nothing more was said as he took us down to the prison chambers. "I'll distract the guards while you have your chat," Thor stated quickly before shouting out. "Hey, good work you guys with all the guarding and stuff really good work." I rolled my eyes going around the other opening and slipping through. For some reason, I held my breath before walking over to the prison cell of Loki who was tossing a chalice into the air. 

"So he brought you over." He spoke out not losing focus from the task at hand.

"Yes, we only just got back. I'm not really sure of Thor's reasoning for me to see you." He stopped tossing the chalice and glanced my way. 

"Are you trying to say you don't want to see me?" I froze on the spot the moment his eyes met mine. Shaking my head I watch as he walked over. 

"I'm just confused as to why Thor you suggest me seeing you." I corrected myself as Loki sat down at the edge of the barrier. 

"Because I told him too. I knew after this I would be taken back here. You can't see me again after this." His statement left me confused, I didn't say anything for a moment seeing his stare at nothing awaiting my response. " You're not often lost for words." 

"Well I am, after all this time you think the best option is for us to never speak again?" He glanced my way by turning his head. 

"I'm not a fan of talking through glass nor am I willing to let you catch feelings." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I knew all too well what he meant but for some reason, those words just slipped out of my mouth. 

"I thought you were meant to be the Goddess of wisdom, not ignorance." I lightly frowned at him but then heard a crash across from me. "You should get going now before something happens." Thor looked to be struggling making me sigh. 

"You're so stubborn you know that right." I breathed before walking back out. 

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