Encounter with a Djinn

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From Maggie's POV:

Once back home, we settled back into our "normal as possible" routine. Sam and Dean took care of the field work, consisting of saving people and hunting things. Vamps, werewolves, even the occasional demon were no match for Sam and Dean. I stayed behind, holding down the fort. That consisted of mainly doing research on the lore and anything else the guys might need. It also included patching up any injuries and having freshly baked pie available when they got home.

One night, I stopped into to town to pick up a few groceries. I decided to make a peach pie this time instead of apple. As I left the store, a lady approached me and asked for directions. As I was giving her the information, I felt a hand on my arm and saw her eyes flash blue. Djinn! I thought, just before blacking out.

From Sam's POV:

As Dean parked the Impala in the bunker's garage, he turned to me and said, "Man, it's good to be home. No more crappy motel room, diner food, and I get to sleep next to my gorgeous wife tonight. Not to say that sharing a motel room with you isn't a delightful treat, brother," he joked.

I shook my head and chuckled. "I know, I know, I don't even compare to Maggie. You're a lucky man, Dean," I said as I took my gear out of the back.

"Why, yes, Sam. Yes I am," he smugly replied.

We walked down the steps but Maggie wasn't there to greet us like usual. "Maybe she didn't hear us come in?" Dean suggested.

"Are you kidding?" I asked. "She's so glad to have you home, I'd bet she could hear the Impala when it's a mile away from here. I wonder where she could be, though."

We wandered through the bunker, calling out for Maggie, but no answer. I made my way into the kitchen, and saw the cookbook open to a peach pie recipe. I saw a pad of paper next to the cookbook. I ran a pencil over the indentations on the paper enough to see that she had made a grocery list. She must have gone into town to get the supplies, probably figuring she'd be back before we got home.

"Hey Dean? Come in to the kitchen," I called. "Looks like Maggie was going to make pie, but she needed some stuff from in town first."

"You think something's up, Sam?" Dean asked. "Here, let me give her a call on her cell," he said as he dialed her number. "Huh. No answer. Now I'm getting worried, especially since it's so late."

We piled back into the Impala and headed to the supermarket. When we got there, the police were there with the yellow "crime scene" tape put up. Dean and I walked up to Joe, the store manager and asked him what had happened.

"Hey Sam, hey Dean. Well, as near as we can tell, witnesses say that someone got kidnapped from right here in front of the store," said Joe.

"Any idea who it might be?" Dean asked.

"Fellas, you gotta understand, there were people in and out of here all night, but...." Joe started.

"But what??" Dean demanded.

"....One of the cashiers thought that....Maggie may have walked out of here just before it happened," Joe said sadly.

Dean turned around and put a hand on my shoulder to steady himself. "No," he breathed. "Not my Maggie," he whispered. "Thanks, Joe," I said as I helped Dean back to the car.

We sat there for a bit, trying to figure out our next move. "I told her I'd keep her safe, Sam. Have I really done that? We're on the road how much? Which leaves her alone a lot. That's no way to have a marriage," Dean finished bitterly.

"Dean, I don't know what the answer is for that part of your life. You and Maggie will have to sort that out when we find her. What I do know is that we need to get on this as soon as possible so we can get her back. We'll pull up surveillance cameras, ATM cameras, traffic cameras--whatever we need to do so Maggie is back, safe with us." With that, we headed back to the bunker to see if we could find Maggie.

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