Knight of Hell

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From Dean's POV:

"It's a shame your wife isn't feeling well, that she couldn't join us, Dean," pouted Tara. "I hope she gets to feeling better later."

"Thank you, Tara, I'll make sure to pass along your good thoughts to her. Sam? You want another beer?" I asked.

"Sure, thanks Dean," Sam said.

While I waited for our beers at the bar, I decided to give Maggie a call to check on her. Her cell phone rang but there was no answer. That was not like her, so I went over to Sam and Tara and told them I was going to run home to check on her.

"Aww, that's so sweet, Dean. Do you think we should go with you?" Tara asked.

"Nah, I'm sure it's nothing, but I want to make sure," I said. 

"We'll go with you, Dean. That way, Tara can get a tour," Sam offered.

So we all piled into the Impala and headed back to the bunker. When we got there, it looked like a huge fight had taken place. Books off the shelves, papers strewn everywhere that blood? I wondered. Maggie. No.....I raced off to our room and saw the clothes she had on when I left, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"SAAAAMMMM!" I yelled. I walked into the main hall. A demon that Tara let in had a knife up to Sam's throat, a small cut visible on his neck.

"Sam's a little busy right now, Dean," Tara purred. "And your Maggie is safe....for now."

"What have you done with her?" I growled.

"Nothing, at the moment. But we need the stones back. The rose quartz Rune Stones you picked up a few weeks ago. They belong to my employer, a Knight of Hell named Keenan."

"What if I don't remember where they are? I bought those more for my wife than for me. You'd have to ask her where she put them," I said.

"We did ask her. She was....shall we say....less than cooperative?" Tara said. "When someone refuses to cooperate with Keenan, it doesn't usually end well."

"Dammit! That's my wife and I want her back!" I shouted.

"Then bring me the stones! Then we'll release the bitch to you," Tara yelled.

At that moment, Sam elbowed the demon and kneed it in the nose, breaking it. Black smoke came flying out and the meat suit dropped to the floor. He then managed to get ahold of the knife and stabbed Tara with it, killing her.

"She was a siren, Dean. I'm sorry I didn't put it together until the last minute. She's had me under her spell ever since we met. Man, I feel really stupid, and now Maggie's been taken," Sam said sheepishly.

"No time to worry about that now, Sammy. We need to figure out why those stones are so important to Keenan and find Maggie," I said. "Hey, you okay?" I asked, pointing to his neck.

"Oh, yeah, superficial, but enough blood to get onto the knife," Sam confirmed.

We went back to the Magick Shop where we got the stones and confronted Quinton. He told us that Keenan had a spell that would turn the stones into a weapon. Keenan was going to use them to overthrow Crowley and become the new King of Hell.

"I don't think so. Where are they? Tell me!!" I thundered.

Quinton explained that their base of operations was a house on the other side of town. Lots of trees, almost like an impenetrable shield around the house. "Listen man, you're not going over there with just the two of you, are you?" Quinton asked.

"Have to, they're holding my wife captive," I told him.

"Oh, man, if your wife is in there with Keenan, she's as good as dead!" Quinton said.

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