A Road Trip Towards Destiny

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From Maggie's POV:

Sam Winchester is as good a patient as his brother, which is to say he's terrible. He won't stay in bed and rest, and insists on doing the exact opposite of what I tell him. Finally, though, the burns had healed enough that he was able to take a shower and put a shirt on. After a week, I paroled him from the infirmary so he could sleep in his own bed. If there's anyone who understands about the importance of sleeping one's own bed, it's me.

About a month later, I got the call I'd been both anticipating and dreading to get. "That was Jim. They're on their way to the hospital. He said that she's starting to have some contractions, but that it could be hours before the baby is actually born," I explained. I went to our room and took out my duffel bag, then started putting clothes and toiletries in it.

I zipped up my bag and just stood there, trying to come to grips with my situation. Dean came in to start packing his stuff. He walked over to me, tipped my chin up so I couldn't help but gaze into his forest green eyes. "Hey. It's going to be okay. I'll be with you the whole time. I promise I'll look out for any tall, dark-haired doctors that look creepy in the mirror. Okay?" he said. I chuckled a bit at his promise and agreed. "That's my girl," he said softly as he took me into his arms. "I love you, Dean," I whispered in his ear. "And I love you, Mags," he said.

We got into the Impala, with Dean driving, me riding shotgun and poor Sam in the backseat. As we drove down the highway, I rested my elbow on the door and my chin in my hand, staring out the window. Dean reached over and took my free hand in his, giving it a small squeeze. I looked over at him and gave him a small smile then turned back to look out the window again. I couldn't help but think about the vision I had of me at the hospital with a wraith. Every mile marker we passed took me closer to fulfilling its prophecy and that scared the hell out of me.

About halfway to the hospital, we stopped at a Gas-N-Sip for some snacks. "I'll be right back," I said absently and walked into the store. I needed to use the restroom and to get some beef jerky.

From Dean's POV:

While I filled the gas tank, Sam came up to keep me company. "So, what's with Maggie today? I thought she'd be so excited to see Ruthie and the baby that we'd have to tie her to her seat in the car. Now she acts like she doesn't even want to go at all, but she's going for Ruthie's sake. What gives?" Sam asked.

I told him about Maggie's vision a few weeks ago, the one that has her being attacked or possibly worse by a wraith at the hospital. "So, she's still going, even though she knows what's in store for her, from her vision? That we're headed towards someplace that has a creature in it meaning to do her harm or worse?" Sam asked.

"Yep. That's it exactly," I replied.

"Whoa, Dean. Most people would turn and run the complete opposite direction. Maggie's a lot stronger than any woman I've ever known. Or you've ever known, too," Sam mentioned.

"Got that right. That's just one of the many things I love about her," I said, as she walked back to the car. She reached around me and dropped the bag of snacks into the car through the open driver's side door. Then she wrapped her arms around my waist as mine went around hers. I kissed her forehead then rested my chin on top of her head, rocking us back and forth. She leaned back, smiled, kissed me, then walked around to the passenger side.

I finished putting gas in the car, and we were off again. I moved my arm to the back of the seat, which Maggie correctly guessed as her invitation to slide over. I cradled her with my arm as she rested her head on my shoulder. I love road trips like this with her. Soon, I could hear her breathing softly, which told me she had fallen asleep. Still keeping my eyes on the road, I turned to kiss her temple. She snuggled closer, giving me a sigh of contentment. Ah, my Love.

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