Checking on an Old Friend

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From Maggie's POV:

The next morning, the doctor said my vital signs were strong enough that I could go home, but with strict discharge instructions. I was to rest, keep my stitches covered and clean, and most important of all, no lifting of anything over 10 pounds.

Dean took these instructions very much to heart, not letting me to do very much of anything for myself. The most he would let me do for myself is shower and get dressed, although he insisted on helping me with that as well. Not that I was complaining.

After two weeks had gone by, it was time to take out the stitches. The wounds had healed properly, but I would always have the claw-like scars as a reminder of the skinwalker encounter.

One morning, I walked into the kitchen to see Dean making breakfast. I stood in the entryway to the kitchen, watching him as he worked. He ladled the pancake batter onto the griddle and sprinkled a few mini chocolate chips into the batter. He flipped over the sausage patties in the skillet, then checked on the coffee.

His movements were so fluid, it was truly mesmerizing, watching him work. He slid two pancakes onto a plate, along with a couple of sausage patties and set it aside. Then, he took another plate and added three pancakes and two sausages to it and carried them both to the table.

Dean turned to grab the coffee cups and saw me standing in the doorway. His smile lit up his entire face and reminded me once more how much I love this man. He walked over to me and slid his arms around me. "So, here you are," I said in a husky voice.

He pulled me close to his body roughly and planted a slow, good morning kiss on my lips. "Decided to get an early start, make breakfast for my lovely wife," he answered.

"She's a lucky woman, whoever she is," I teased. "Good morning, my love."

"And I am certainly a lucky man to have her in my life," Dean bantered. "Good morning to you, sweetheart," smiling as he planted a kiss on my nose.

We enjoyed our breakfast at a leisurely pace, talking and telling jokes between bites of food. When we had finished, we brought the dishes to the sink and I started running water to wash dishes.

"Uh-uh, you're supposed to take it easy, Maggie, remember? Doctor's orders," Dean said sternly.

"I know, but my wounds have healed, my stitches are out and I feel fine! Please let me help you. I can manage washing a few dishes. Consider it as showing my appreciation for such a lovely meal and sparkling dining conversation," I explained.

When dishes were finished, I went to shower and get ready for the day. I opted for my black jeans, purple T-shirt and black denim button-down shirt. Black Converse tennis shoes completed the ensemble, along with small silver hoops and star-shaped post earrings.

I walked into the library and opened my laptop. "So, what are we doing today? Did we find any cases?" I asked Sam and Dean.

"No, no cases found, for now, Love," Dean answered. "How about we watch a movie? Your choice," he offered.

"Hmm. Maybe later. Not up for a movie right now," I answered.

"Is everything okay, Maggie?" Dean asked. "Yeah, sure, I'm okay," I said, hoping I was convincing. I closed my laptop and got up from my chair.

Dean got up and walked over to where I was standing, pretending to concentrate on finding a book. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes as we started swaying back and forth to our own music. This feels so good, so right, I thought. I turned around so that we were facing each other and laid my head on Dean's shoulder.

Later, Sam, Dean and I played a rather cutthroat game of Monopoly. In the end, it came down to Sam and me, each trying to bankrupt the other. In the end, because I had Park Place and Boardwalk with 2 hotels each, I won the game. Sam got the "Advance Token to Boardwalk" card, which was the final straw.

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