Sam In Love

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From Maggie's POV:

Later that evening, Dean and I were sharing some leftovers from a pizza we had ordered from in town. I picked up a piece and took a bite, while Dean just stared at me incredulously. "What?" I asked.

"You mean, you're not going to heat it back up first?" he asked.

"No way, it's better like this. Don't have to worry about it getting soggy, rubbery or dried out upon reheating," I explained.

Dean tossed his crust back in the box, then looked at me and shook his head. "Well....I wish I'd known this before we got married, Maggie, because this was a deal-breaker. You eat cold pizza right out of the box? It's like I don't know you at all!" he exclaimed.

I stood and stared at him, waiting to see if he was serious or not. I didn't have to wait long, about thirty seconds before he collapsed into laughter. I rolled my eyes at him and said, "Okay, laugh it up now, Winchester. I believe in karma, and someday, this will come back to bite you in the ass!" I threw my pizza crust at him for good measure.

"Oh, you wanna play, huh? Okay, let's play," he said as he started to slowly walk towards me, like a panther stalking its prey. I started to back my way out until I was at the doorway. "Betcha can't catch me, Dean," I taunted.

"Wanna bet?" he growled playfully. I grinned, gave a shriek and went running down the hall. Only before I could open the door to our room, he caught up to me and pinned me with his body to the wall outside it. Both of us breathing heavily, he slowly inched forward until his mouth was nearly touching mine. "Gotcha," he gloated.

"Yeah, you win," I acknowledged and surged forward until our lips came crashing together. My arms were still being held against the wall, but now Dean moved his hands up so they were intertwined with mine, not breaking his hold on me. After some more kissing, we adjourned into our room and locked the door, just in case.

A little while later, we went out to the couch to watch a movie. I picked out "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". We were about halfway through when Sam came strolling in, smiling, with his jacket over his shoulder.

"Hey, Sam, how did it go?" I asked.

"Amazing!" he said. "We had a great time, went out to dinner, then just walked around town talking. She hasn't been in town long, so I showed her around."

"So, when you brought her home, did you know...." Dean asked, waggling his eyebrows. I swatted his arm and he said, "What? I just wanted to know if he kissed her or not! Yeesh, what did you think I meant, sweetheart?" he asked.

Sam's face turned fire-engine red at that point, and we could tell that he kissed her. I was happy for Sam, glad he'd had a good first date. "Well, I'm getting kind of tired, Dean. See you after the movie?" I asked. As I stood up, the lightheaded feeling was back. I swayed a little before finding my balance. "I'm all right fellas, no worries. Good night, Dean," as I gave him a goodnight kiss. "Good night, Sam," and gave him a peck on the cheek, then I headed to our room.

Back in our room, I was still trying to get a handle on the dizziness and lightheadedness I had been feeling lately. I had no idea what was causing it, but thought that a good night's rest may take care of it. I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

From Dean's POV:

I finished watching the movie and turned off the TV. Maggie was already asleep by the time I climbed into bed. I spooned up next to her and draped my arm over her, drawing her closer to me. I kissed her shoulder and heard her giggle. "That tickles! No fair, Dean," she mumbled. I chuckled softly and laid my head on my pillow, snuggled up to my lovely wife.

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