The Magick Shop

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From Dean's POV:

So good to be home again, after battling that shapeshifter. Maggie was still sleeping, since we got in so late last night. I propped myself up on my elbow and watched her sleep. Her light brown hair was fanned out across the pillow like a halo. A small smile was on her lips as she slept, making me wonder what she was dreaming about.

As I studied her further, I noticed something that I'd somehow missed before. I saw a thin, jagged, almost invisible scar appeared on the left side of her temple, near her eye. Wonder when or how she got that? I thought as I traced it with my index finger. I ran my thumb across her soft pink lips, then leaned over and gently covered them with my own. Her mile-long eyelashes fluttered, revealing the most vibrant hazelnut eyes I'd ever seen.

"Good morning, sweetheart," I said softly.

She smiled, and said, "Good morning to you, my love. Are you ready for breakfast?" she asked with a mischievous gleam in her eye.

"More than ready," I whispered, as I pulled the blankets up over us.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Maggie's POV:

I decided to let Dean sleep for a little while longer, while I busied myself in the kitchen. I gathered what I needed to make apple turnovers and got to work putting them together. As I slid the tray into the oven, I noticed Dean standing in the doorway, watching. I smiled and sauntered over to where he was standing. I slowly untied his robe, exposing his bare chest and slipped my arms around his midsection. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes. The mix of his woodsy cologne and the cinnamon from the turnovers was intoxicating.

Looking into his mossy green eyes, I asked, "Hey there, I was letting you sleep in a little bit. How long have you been standing there, watching me?"

"Long enough to know you are the true master of the kitchen," he answered.

I blushed, then poured us each a cup of coffee. Ten minutes later, the oven timer went off, so I pulled the turnovers out of the oven and drizzled the icing on top. I put two on a plate for Dean and served one for myself, then brought them over to the table. Dean took a bite, closed his eyes and groaned in appreciation. "As I said before--a true master of the kitchen. And a damn sexy one, at that," he said as he leaned over for a kiss.

At that moment, Sam came in, scrounging for coffee. "Morning, you two," he mumbled.

"Good morning, Sam," I said. "Apple turnovers on the counter for you."

"Thanks, Maggie," he said as he took a bite. "Wow, these are incredible, Mags," said Sam as he finally found his cup and poured some coffee.

"Glad you like them, guys," I said as I stood up to get more coffee. I started to feel a little light-headed, so I grabbed the counter to steady myself.

"Maggie, honey? Are you okay?" Dean asked.

"I think I stood up too quickly, that's all," I said, hoping that was all that it was.

"Uh huh, when have we heard that before. Anything else? A vision, headache, anything?" he asked.

"Really, I'm fine. I'm going to go shower," I said as I kissed the top of Dean's head. "I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart," Dean called.

Once I got to our room, I sat down on the bed, trying to regain my focus. I pulled some clothes out of the closet and made my way to the bathroom to shower. I first brushed my teeth and swished some mouthwash around.

"Hey, sexy," I heard behind me. I grinned and turned around to see my husband with a sultry look on his face.

"Now, what do you want? Are you here to get dressed, or are you here to cause trouble?" I asked, pretending to scold him. "Because you're looking at me like I'm lunch and you haven't eaten in days. So, I think you want to cause trouble."

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