Hunting With Garth

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From Maggie's POV:

"All right, I've got your pepperoni and mushroo--whoa, okay, I'm going to head back out to the car for now," said Sam as he started to walk back out of the motel room.

Dean and I dissolved into giggles, then we brought ourselves to an upright sitting position on the bed. Sam put the pizza and beverages on the table and sat down on the other bed. "I take it you're not getting a divorce, not after what I just saw," he said.

"No way, never crossed our minds. I'm stuck with him, and he's stuck with me. We figured out why we've been at odds so much lately and we've worked it out. Sorry, I imagine it's probably been pretty tense for you also, seeing us like this," I said. Then I took a deep breath before explaining about the pregnancy test I took that morning.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Maggie. I can only imagine how much you want to be a momma. You'd be perfect at it, too," Sam said softly.

"Damn right she would. For now, we'll just have to keep practicing until we get it right," Dean teased. I giggled. Sam just rolled his eyes.

"But first, let us enjoy this fabulous pizza! For once, I am hungry and that pizza is smelling wonderful," I said, reaching for a slice.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On the last Saturday in May, I held a baby shower for Ruthie. We played all the usual baby shower games, and all of her friends were there. By this time, she had let us know she was having a little girl, and was going to name her Emma Christie. I was so moved that she wanted to name her after my little sister, that I started crying. Ruthie reached over and pulled me into a hug, which made me feel a lot better.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

One night, Dean and I were watching a movie, while Sam and Garth were out on what they called a routine hunt.

All of a sudden, I heard the door to the bunker open. It was Garth, trying to support Sam as they came down the stairs. "Dean! Come quick! Sam's been hurt!" I shouted. "Let's get him to the infirmary where we can fix him up," I said, trying to stay calm. "What happened, Garth?" I asked.

"Yes, ma'am," said Garth. "We were hunting a wendigo and managed to track it back to its lair. A couple of the victims it grabbed were still alive, so we were setting them free, but it caught us off guard. Sorry, Dean, Maggie," he said.

"It's all right, Garth, you did the right thing, bringing him here," I assured him. Dean and Garth got Sam situated on one of the infirmary beds and I started to assess his injuries. There were long claw marks on his chest that would need stitching, and some burns on his arm. "Bring me the suture kits and some of that salve Rowena helped me make for burns," I commanded. Sam started moaning in pain, moving his head back and forth. "Hold on, Sam, we'll have you fixed up right away," I said.

Garth brought me the suture kits and the burn salve. Dean and I went about the task of stitching up Sam's injuries from the wendigo. Once we finished, I put some burn salve on his arm. As soon as I touched it, he flinched and pulled his arm away. "Shhh, it's okay Sam. Rowena helped me make this stuff. It'll help your burns feel better, and you'll be healed up in no time." He seemed to calm down enough so I could finish putting on the medicine.

Dean came over and put his hand on my back. "How's he doing? Will he be okay?"

"Sam's going to be just fine, resting comfortably now. Thank you for helping me with the stitching, there sure was a lot to be done," I said.

"Anytime, sweetheart. Can't tell you how many times Sam and I have had to patch each other up after a hunt, doing the exact same thing. Of course, we didn't have pretty nurses to take care of us afterward, you know, with sponge baths and such...." Dean said with a mischievous grin.

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