Maggie's New Car

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From Maggie's POV:

"Dean, where are we going?" I asked.

"Shhhh, no more questions. Just relax and enjoy the ride, sweetheart. Trust me, you're going to love this," Dean promised.

We drove for about another hour before we reached a used car lot. "We're here to look at cars?" I asked.

"Don't you need a new one, after what happened to the Charger?" Dean asked.

"I don't mind riding in the Impala, and there's plenty of others to choose from in the garage. "But...I guess it would be nice to have my own car again. Something that's just mine," I answered.

"There's a salesman over there, I'm going to see if he can show us where the really awesome cars are kept. I'll be right back," Dean said as he kissed my cheek.

When he came back, the salesman showed us a part of the lot where they kept the older cars. Some were in various degree of needing repairs, and some were really decked out. But there was one that caught my eye.

"Excuse me, sir?" I asked. "What kind of car is that red one back there in the corner?"

"That one? Oh, you have a good eye for cars, little lady. That is a 1969 Oldsmobile 4-4-2, fully restored. The guy I bought it from had no choice but to sell it. It's a shame, really," lamented the salesman.

"She's pretty. Great color, great interior." I grinned at Dean and pointed to the radio. "Look, honey, it has a cassette deck, too. How much is it?" I inquired.

The salesman shook his head sadly and said, "I'm afraid this one was sold only last week. The new owner just hasn't had a chance to pick it up yet. But, we have many other cars to choose from that I'm sure would be almost as perfect for you. I'll leave you to keep browsing. Excuse me," he said as he hurried back to his office.

I tried to hide my disappointment at my perfect car already being sold. Dean and I walked slowly back to the Impala and leaned up against the driver's side door. The salesman came out of his office and motioned for Dean to come over and talk to him. Dean looked at me, shrugged and walked over to the office. About twenty minutes later, Dean came walking back, eyes downcast.

When he reached the car, he took my hand and pressed something cold and metal into it. Holding my hand closed, he said, "Remember when the salesman said the car was already sold?" he asked. I nodded and said that I did. Dean continued, "Well, he did sell I that could give it to you."

I opened my hand and saw the keys to my new car. I flung my arms around his neck and showered him with kisses. "You did this for me?" I asked tears shimmering in my eyes. "I love you so much, Dean." Over Dean's shoulder, I could see the salesman smiling in our direction.

"I'm so glad you like it, Maggie. I know what driving Baby means to me, and I want you to feel the same. I just want you to be happy. I love you, baby."

The salesman brought the car around and I slid in to the white leather driver's seat. I started the car and she made the most incredible rumbling sound. Like a badass car should. "Let's go home, my love," I said.

Dean climbed into the Impala and we headed back to the bunker, taking turns leading the way. When we got home, Sam was waiting for us in the garage. "Look what Dean bought me! Isn't it great?!?" I exclaimed.

Sam shook his head and grinned. "That is an awesome car, Maggie. I'm surprised Dean kept the secret this long. He did all the paperwork last week and has talked of virtually nothing else to me since. He said he couldn't wait to see your reaction when you found out that he bought it for you and he presented you with the keys."

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