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From Sam's POV:

As we walked down the hall to Ruthie's room, Dean kept a firm hold on Maggie. He was holding on to her like he was afraid that if he let go, he'd lose her forever. I shuddered to think what would've happened to her if we hadn't gotten to her in time.

"Okay, 22, 24, ah! Here's 26," Maggie declared. She knocked on the door and asked if everyone was decent. Ruthie told her she'd better get her butt in there and see her precious new niece, Emma Christie Adams. She was in her daddy's arms at the time, so Maggie walked over to Jim and asked for permission to hold her. "Of course, Auntie Maggie," Jim said, chuckling as he handed her over.

From Maggie's POV:

I have never seen anything so perfect in all my life. This tiny little creature has wriggled her way into my heart, and it was love at first sight. I went over to the rocking chair with Emma and sat down. Taking care to support her head, I shifted the baby to a more comfortable position.

Dean walked over to the rocking chair to see the little miracle I was holding. "She looks like her momma, full of sass," Dean said, causing everyone to laugh. "Dean...." I said, though a smile was tugging at the corners of my mouth.

"Hey, Emma," I said. "I'm your Auntie Maggie. Behind me is your Uncle Dean, he's with me. We also have your Uncle Sammy. He's the tall one, so if you need something off the top shelf, just ask him. I'll bet he won't be able to resist that sweet face of yours."

She stirred, waving her little arms around. She yawned and I heard a sigh of contentment that melted my heart on the spot. "Isn't she beautiful?" I turned and asked Dean, tears shining in my eyes. He knelt down to Emma's level and stroked the top of her head. "She sure is." I heard the"camera", but when I looked up, I just saw Ruthie putting her phone back down.

"You realize, you're the one I want to be telling her all about your sister, who is her namesake. You know all the stories, Maggie. So, I'm leaving it to you to pass them on to my daughter so she understands how special your sister was." I was so overcome with emotion that I couldn't speak, so I just nodded my head.

"Hey, now, you're getting the baby all wet with these tears of yours,"Dean teased. "Here, let me help you," he said as he gently wiped my cheeks. "Do you want to hold her, Dean?" I asked. I could tell he was afraid of doing something to hurt her without ever meaning to. "Here, my love, sit down and I will pass her to you," I said.

We traded places and I placed Emma's head in the crook of his elbow. Once Emma was settled with Dean, I could see him instantly relax. He started rocking the chair back and forth to keep her calm. "Hey, Emma, I'm your Uncle Dean. And I'm going to teach you all about the best in rock music. That's my job, and I take it very seriously," he declared. I chuckled.

After Sam had a turn holding Emma, I figured we should let the family rest. I promised we would be back up to see her in the morning, after we'd had a good night's sleep. As we left, Ruthie caught my hand to show me the picture she took on her phone of Dean and me with Emma. I asked her to send it to me so that I could share it with Dean later.

Before we went back to the motel, the three of us went out for some dinner. Dean had a burger and fries, Sam something from the less-cholesterol side of the menu. I was content with a club sandwich and side of fruit. Afterwards, we went back to the motel, Dean and I to our room and Sam to his own separate room.

I stepped inside the door and took off my knee-high boots. Today had certainly been eventful, but it turned out well in the end. I got to meet my precious niece, and her momma and daddy were doing just fine. I sat on the edge of the bed, took out my phone and looked at the picture that Ruthie sent me. I was so absorbed in it that I didn't notice Dean come up behind me. I jumped a little when he put his hand on my arm. "Sorry, baby, I didn't mean to startle you," he said as he sat down next to me.

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