Fighting Back

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From Dean's POV:

At that moment, Crowley's mother, Rowena appeared. She was wearing a dark purple gown trimmed in gold, with her long flowing red hair pulled up into a messy bun.

"Och, so this be the bonny wee lassie who stole Dean Winchester's heart! My, she is a pretty one, at that, Dean," Rowena remarked.

"Thanks, Rowena, but would you just save that stuff for later? We're running on fumes here. Your son, Mr. Freaking-Ray-of-Sunshine said Maggie may only have two weeks, tops. That is, unless you can reverse this spell. Can you?" I pleaded.

"This is a powerful, dark magic, to be sure, but I can reverse it. Here is a list of what I need for this to work," Rowena said as she held out a piece of paper.

Sam put it in his pocket and grabbed his coat. "I'll go get this stuff and be back as fast as I can," he promised.

I kept my post at Maggie's bedside, holding her hand, desperately wishing she would wake up. "Maggie, honey? It's me, Dean. Come on, baby, wake up. Please open your eyes for me."

Rowena came over and put a hand on my shoulder. "Dean, I know you're worried about your sweet wife, but I can feel something from her. Your wee Maggie is a fighter, that one. She's fighting to stay in this world. With you, Dean," she said.

"Yeah, I know. But, everybody has a breaking point, and I just don't know how much fight she has left in her. Maggie's been through so much lately, with a Djinn taking her, the Crocotta attack on Sam, the skinwalker, the shapeshifter this." A single tear slid down my cheek. "I don't want to lose her, not after we worked so hard all our lives and finally found each other," I finished.

"She's fought this long, she's still here, right? So, there's no reason to think that she's going to stop fighting," Rowena pointed out.

At that moment, Sam came running down the stairs with the ingredients for Rowena's reversal spell. "Thank you, Samuel. It'll take me a wee bit of time to put all of it together. Excuse me, boys," Rowena said as she left the room.

"Dean....I'm sorry. If it wasn't for me bringing Tara into the mix, none of this would've happened to Maggie," Sam said.

"Nah, don't even go there, Sammy. It's not your fault, and I'm sure Maggie doesn't blame you either. You deserve happiness, and whoever it may be. The one for you is still out there, somewhere," I assured him.

"I can only imagine how much this hurts for you, Dean, seeing her like this. I hate it, too. But Rowena's right. Maggie's not one to give up so easily," Sam pointed out.

I reached over and gently tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. I suddenly needed some air, to clear my head, something. I got up, kissed her forehead and left the infirmary. I paused at the entryway to look at my wife.

Sam reached over and took hold of Maggie's hand in both of his and kissed it. "Maggie, if you can hear me....I am so sorry for what happened. I should've listened to you and then you wouldn't be going through any of this. Come back to us, Sis. We need you around here. We love you," Sam's voice broke on the last word as he, too, left the room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Maggie's POV:

Whoa! Where am I? What's going on, what happened? Last thing I remember is Sam telling me they all need me and love me, but where did he go?

Okay, Maggie, now think. Last night, Sam, Dean and Tara all went to the bar. You sat around doing nothing, then decided to give Tara a chance. You went into your room and got that little black dress out of the closet you've been wanting to show off to Dean. You did your hair, your makeup, put your keys in your bag, then what? Oh, yeah. The Goon Squad showed up looking for your Rune Stones, but you didn't tell them where they were.

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