Confronting Another Vision

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From Maggie's POV:

It had been three days since my encounter with the Djinn. Even though I felt fine and wanted to get back to my normal routine, Dean was being overprotective, as usual. One morning, I dared to sneak out of bed to join him in our room, but he ordered me back to the infirmary. Disappointed, I went back to the infirmary, as ordered. As I was trudging back down the hall to my hospital bed, Dean slipped up behind me, took my hand and winked at me. He had decided to join me instead. That works too.

One morning, it was just Dean and I having coffee at the kitchen table. He was being unusually quiet this morning, like he had something to say to me or ask me but didn't really want to. I reached over and took his hand in mine and kissed it. "Dean, is everything all right? You seem a little distracted this morning. Something on your mind?" I asked.

Dean kept staring into his coffee cup, not answering. I was sure that he'd heard me, but for some reason, he didn't want to talk. He looked up at me, and got up from the table. He drank the last of his coffee, then put his mug in the sink. Then he started walking towards our room. Uh-uh, this isn't happening, I thought. I followed him down the hall, took hold of his arm, and turned him around to face me.

"Hey," I said. "What the hell is going on here?" I demanded.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"I'm talking about there being something on your mind, but for some reason, you don't seem to want to confide in me, your wife. We're a team, remember? My heart, your heart, family? Any of that ring a bell?" I asked.

"You're right. But let's do this somewhere else, instead of the hallway, shall we?" Dean suggested. I agreed, and followed him into our room and closed the door.

We both sat down on the bed and looked at each other. Dean started first. "When you were under from the Djinn....what did you see?"

I looked up at the ceiling, took a deep breath and let it out before answering. "I saw us, still husband and wife, and you had just come home from work. You smooched me at the door and our son thought it was gross. Then again, he also said he was seven, and already knew that girls were gross," I chuckled.

"Our son?" Dean echoed. A son, he thought, smiling to himself.

"Yes, my love, our son. Anyway, we were having a backyard barbecue, and my sister Emma shows up with her deadbeat roommate, 'Vinnie' that she says is now her fiance. She'd dropped out of college to support him 'till his music career takes off'. I told her she was too young to get married. I didn't want to fight with her, so I went inside for a minute. I was in the living room looking at an anniversary picture of my parents when I got really dizzy. Then, Emma and Vinnie left the house, with her saying she never wanted to speak to me again," I said.

"What else do you remember?" Dean asked.

"Well, then I remember seeing myself all hooked up to some tubes and things, and it felt like my life-force was being drained away. Somehow, I knew that I didn't belong there and that I couldn't stay, as much as I wanted to. You see, my parents and sister were alive there," my voice caught on the last word. "They tried to convince me that I should stay there, with them alive, so that we could be together forever."

"Oh, sweetheart. I'm so sorry. I know that had to be hard for you to see. At least you remembered your training on how to stop the vision in time for us to get to you," Dean said as he stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. "You weren't here when we got home, which got me concerned. Sam and I looked all over in the bunker, calling your name. Then, we saw you'd made a grocery list, so we went back to town and talked to Joe. He told us what had happened and it was like being punched in the stomach a hundred times," Dean finished.

At this, I lowered my eyes and started to apologize, but Dean put a finger to my lips. "When I got back in the car, I told Sam I had promised that I would keep you safe. I don't feel like I've been doing a very good job of that lately. I mean, Sam and I are always on the road, I'm away from you for such a long time. For that, I am truly sorry, my love. It's not very fair to you, me being gone all the time. Maybe I should take a break from hunting for a while....maybe we could get to work on making that son we're supposed to have....hmmm?" he grinned.

My cheeks felt as if they were on fire. A baby....? "Dean," I started. "What happened a few days ago was out of the ordinary. You had no way of knowing I would get kidnapped by a Djinn. There is nothing to apologize for, honey. I knew what I was signing up for when we got married, what I was getting myself into. I am a hunter, and now a hunter's wife. I have no complaints about the way in which you run the family business, or how you take care of our family," I said as I shifted closer to him on the bed. When I reached out to touch his face, he took hold of my hand and kissed its palm. "I love you, Dean," I said softly. "I love you, Maggie," he said as he pulled me in for a long, satisfying kiss.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

One afternoon, I was scouring the internet for possible cases. In my search, I came across what sounded like a monster attack in Arkansas. I called Dean over to read about it with me, because it sounded a lot like a vision I had a while back. One from which Sam was its focus, and he didn't recover.

We both agreed that Sam should stay here to keep the vision from coming true. We decided to sneak out in the middle of the night while Sam was asleep. We had made it all the way to the garage and into the Impala when all of a sudden the light snapped on. It was Sam, looking at us through narrowed eyes and his arms were crossed in front of him.

"And just where do you two think you're going this late at night?" Sam asked.

Dean and I looked at each other. We were trying to decide what and how much to tell Sam about what I'd seen in my vision. I thought we should tell him we were going for a drive. Dean wanted to tell him that we were going to find some secluded road so we could make out in the back seat. In the end, we decided to tell him the truth and hope that he would make the right decision. Instead, he got dressed, grabbed his bag and joined us in the car.

When we were on the road, I turned around to face the back seat. "Sam, you did listen to the whole story about what happens on this hunt, didn't you?" I asked.

"I heard you, Maggie. But I'll be damned if I'm going to let my big brother and his wife fight my battle while I watch from the sidelines. Besides, there may be something I can do at the last second to change the outcome, now that we have some advance intel. Maggie, your past visions have been more of a 'loose framework' of what could happen. We were able to change them at the last minute, like the one you had of Carl holding you captive."

I shuddered at that memory. About a year and a half ago, my ex-prom date, Carl Williams kidnapped me for standing him up. He wanted revenge and was going to kill Sam and Dean to get it. In my vision, Carl had thrown Sam against the wall and held him there, while he hurled a knife at him. Fortunately, at the last second, Sam was able to move enough out of the way of the knife. Instead of it hitting him in the heart as was in my vision, it only grazed his arm.

"I understand, Sam. We'll all just have to be even more aware of our surroundings and take extra precautions," I said.

"Agreed," said Sam as he yawned and feel asleep in the back seat.

I reached over and took Dean's hand in mine, interlocking our fingers. "How about slidin' on over, gorgeous?" he drawled, smiling at me.

"Don't mind if I do, darlin'," I said as I scooted over to the middle seat. Dean put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. I sighed deeply in contentment. Best part of any road trip. "I wonder if maybe Castiel could help us on this. You know, be that "X" factor that shifts the tide of battle in our favor. What do you think?" I asked.

"Last I heard, Cas is kind of preoccupied with the goings-on up in Heaven. He's trying to sort things out, rebuild Heaven's Army after the angels fell. He may not have time to help us, not that he wouldn't want to."

"Understood," I said, yawning. I closed my drooping eyelids and settled into a comfortable sleep on my husband's shoulder.

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