Dean's Deal

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I walked into the spare room that Ruthie had set aside for us and started picking out clothes for tonight. I took out my broomstick skirt with the blue patchwork pattern, my pale blue spaghetti-strap tank top and my cropped denim jacket. I had also brought my knee-high boots with the wedge heels to complete the outfit.

After I finished taking everything out of the bag, I started to remove my shirt. At that moment, I hear the doorknob turn, so I quickly tried to cover myself with the recently removed shirt. I dropped the shirt again, once I realized it was my husband entering the room. He got this sexy smirk on his face and said, "Please don't stop on my account. By all means, continue."

I threw the shirt at him and explained, "If I do continue, that means we'll be late for going out with Ruthie and Jim."

"Then let's be late," he said as he took my hand and pulled me to his side. He cupped my cheek and proceeded to give me a long and passionate kiss. When we broke our kiss, he kept his arms around me, holding me in close contact with his body, swaying back and forth.

He drew in a deep breath and asked, "You used that peach vanilla body wash this morning, didn't you?" I nodded against his chest, and with his index finger, he tilted my face to look up into his eyes. "You know I love that," he growled.

"Yes, I do know. That's why I did it," I said, with my sexiest smile.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Ruthie to let her know that Dean and I would meet her, Jim and Sam at the bar. "Now, where were we?" I asked.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dean and I showed up to the bar about an hour later than the rest of our group. Ruthie greeted me with a knowing look and a hug, while Dean was treated with high-five's and slaps on the back. I went up to the bar to get us some drinks, where Simon was bartending that night. I had met him before, only briefly. But, he knew I was Ruthie's best friend, and he promised to take good care of us tonight.

While I was waiting for our drinks, a man on the barstool next to me kept looking at me. "Hey, there girlie, how you doin' tonight?" he said. I tried to pretend I didn't hear him, just kept watching Simon make our drinks. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" he said as he grabbed my arm.

I got right in his face and said in a low voice, "Let go of my arm, or I will make sure that you'll regret it."

That did not deter him, because he said, "Ooh, feisty. I like 'em feisty. Let's dance, sugar," as he grabbed my other arm.

By this time, Simon had gotten Sam, Dean, Ruthie and Jim's attention towards what was going on with me and my "dancing partner". They all started walking over towards the commotion, with my husband leading the pack.

"Big mistake, pal," I said as I twisted free from his hold on me and kicked him in the stomach. He doubled over and I drove my knee right into his nose. I heard a loud crack and blood started flowing. He said, "You bitch, you broke my nose!" and raised his arm to hit me.

At that point, Dean stepped in, took hold of the guy's arm and said, "I think you'd better leave before she kicks you somewhere a little more....sensitive." The man's friend came up and quickly ushered him out the door. I gave a theatrical bow, and returned to my group with our drinks.

We played a few more games of 8-Ball, had a couple more rounds of drinks, then decided to call it quits at the bar. Back at Ruthie's, we stayed up for a little while longer, talking, sharing stories. Hers were still mostly about me, but I didn't care. I was with the people that I love, and that was all that mattered.

As I lay next to Dean, who was sound asleep, I counted my blessings. I have an amazing husband, a fantastic brother, wonderful best friend/sister with her equally wonderful husband. Someday, I thought, baby will make three for Dean and me.

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