Sam's Prophecy

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We talked to some of the people in town about the previous victims and tried to figure out what they might have in common. One girl said she was walking in the woods with her boyfriend. She remembers hearing someone or something say, "Brenda, come to me" in her grandmother's voice. Only problem is, her grandmother has been dead for 15 years. They walked a little farther into the forest and saw a figure that looked like her grandmother. Then all of a sudden, it turned into a large, fanged creature with glowing red eyes. She managed to get away, but her boyfriend wasn't so lucky.

When we got back to the motel, I dug out our resource material: John's journal and Bobby's notebook. "Here it is: we're looking for something called a 'Crocotta'. It lures people into the woods by mimicking a loved one's voice, calling for them to 'come to me'. They appear in the human form of the loved one, but once the victim gets close enough, it consumes the victim's soul as it travels out of their mouth."

"Does it say how to kill it?" Dean asked.

"According to your dad's journal, stabbing them in the neck is the only way to kill it," I answered.

"Well, now that we know what we're up against, let's gank the son of a bitch and call it a day," said Dean.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We drove to the wooded area outside of town where Brenda said she and her boyfriend were walking. Dean opened up the trunk and distributed the weapons.

"This is the place, I remember it from my vision," I confirmed. Now we wait....and listen....

A voice wafted over the trees. "Sam, come to me. Come to me, Sam," it said.

"Do you recognize the voice, Sam?" I asked.

"It's....Jessica," he said, starting to walk quickly towards the voice.

Dean and I followed close behind, but Sam's long strides made it difficult for us to keep up. We were pretty deep into the forest, when the voice said again, "Sam....come to me." A woman with long blonde hair and dressed in a long white nightgown appeared in front of us. "Jessica...." whispered Sam, as he started towards her.

"NO, SAM! STAY BACK!" I yelled as I reached for his shirt to try and pull him back. At that moment, the figure morphed into a large fanged creature with glowing red eyes. It let out a blood-curdling screech and we took off running back to the car.

Sam and Dean were ahead of me, and we had almost reached the Impala. "Come on, Maggie, we're almost there," yelled Dean over his shoulder.

I remembered about the dead tree root from my vision and looked down just in time to hurdle over it. The Crocotta continued to give chase, and when we reached the car, we turned to fight it with everything we had.

Dean swung his blade in an attempt to wound it. He was able to slash it in each arm a few times, but that didn't seem to slow it down. Finally, Sam grabbed his machete out of his gear and moved to stab it in the neck, but the creature turned and grabbed Sam by the throat.

I came running up from behind the creature, leapt onto a tree stump and the momentum vaulted me into the air. Just as it was about to start consuming Sam's soul, I came down and drove my knife home into its neck, killing it instantly. It threw me to the side and let go of Sam, who fell to the ground gasping for air, but was still very much alive.

"Sammy?? You okay??" Dean shouted. He hurried over to Sam to check on him, then he turned to look for me.

I had landed on my left ankle after killing the Crocotta, so I was having trouble getting up. Dean and Sam both came over to help me up so we could walk (I limped) over to the Impala. Sam opened the front passenger door and I sat down on the edge of the seat. Dean took off my sock and shoe to see what damage had been done. "So, Superman, with your X-Ray vision, is it broken?" I teased.

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