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From Dean's POV:

I reached over to Maggie's side of the bed, but it was empty. I figured maybe she was in the shower, but I didn't hear it running. I checked anyway, but the bathroom was empty also. I went down to the kitchen for some coffee, but no Maggie there either. At that moment, my phone rang. It was Ruthie, which gave me a sinking feeling about Maggie.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Dean, it's Ruthie. You probably already know this, but Maggie's gone. She's on her way up here to see me," she explained.

"WHAT???" I exploded.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Ruthie muttered. "She gave me the whole story about her vision, and how she thinks that she's doing the right thing by keeping you and Sam out of it. In her mind, she's trying to protect you."

"Did she tell you about any plan she has of taking care of this shapeshifter?" I asked.

"She hasn't said anything about a plan yet, I think her first step was to sneak out without you knowing, then she'd figure it out from there," Ruthie finished.

"Like hell if she's going to just 'wing it'. That's how hunters get hurt or...." I trailed off. "Sam and I are on our way. Thanks, Ruthie. We owe you one," I said.

"You don't owe me squat, just get up here and talk some sense into your wife and my sister. Bye, Dean," Ruthie said as she hung up the phone.


A half an hour later, we were on the road, on our way to Ruthie's, chasing after my wife. I was so irate with her for leaving like that, and I was going to make damned sure she knew it. Once we caught up with her, anyway.  How can I protect her if she does stuff like this? I shook my head.

As if reading my thoughts, Sam said, "Don't worry, Dean. We'll find her and that shifter before something happens."

"I hope so, Sam. I hope so," I said as I pressed on the gas pedal a little harder.

From Maggie's POV:

I pulled up in front of Ruthie's house and turned off the engine. I leaned back in the seat and took a deep breath. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, leaving Sam and Dean behind, I thought. They are sure to be furious with me, and they have every right to be. I walked up to Ruthie's front door, duffel bag in hand.

"Maggie, thank goodness you're safe," she said with relief as soon as she opened the door. "Get in here and give Jim your keys so he can park your car out back." I did as I was told, dropping my bag by the door.

"You look exhausted, why don't you go to one of the back bedrooms and get some sleep," she suggested. I opened my mouth to protest, but the look on her face stopped me. I did as I was told and walked towards the back bedroom. I took off my boots and my jacket, then was out cold as soon as my head hit the pillow.

A few hours later, I emerged from my slumber, hair sticking out in all directions. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I saw the sandwich on the table. I pointed at it then back at myself as if to ask, "Mine?" Ruthie chuckled and nodded at me, then I sat down and attacked the sandwich.

"This was heavenly, thank you, Ruthie. I barely stopped for anything on the way up, and I guess I was a little hungry," I said sheepishly.

"Really? I couldn't tell," she said, feigning surprise. "So, walk me through this grand plan of yours for trapping/killing this shifter, Maggie."

I paused a moment before answering. "You know, I don't know what the plan is. I'm sure by now you've figured out that I really didn't think this through very well. I thought I was doing the right thing by leaving Sam and Dean behind. But now, I think this has to be one of the dumbest things I've done," I said as I shook my head.

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