Battle with the Shifter

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From Maggie's POV:

I woke up before Dean, so I took the opportunity to study him as he slept. I'd seen his face more than a thousand times in my dreams and in reality, but decided to take a good, long look at my husband. With my index finger, I traced his strong jawline, which was covered in a thin layer of stubble. His eyelashes were longer than I remembered, showing a little of his vulnerability, despite his strength. A smattering of golden freckles ran across his nose and under his eyes.

I reached out my hand to touch his cheek, but he caught it in his and kissed my fingertips, one by one. I smiled and shifted closer to him. Dean rolled and propped himself up on his elbow, his lips a fraction of an inch away from mine. With my other hand, I guided him closer and our lips met in a fiery kiss. "Good morning, my love," I whispered. "Good morning to you, sweetheart," he said softly.

We walked hand in hand down the hall to Ruthie's kitchen, where she was making pancakes. "Good morning, you two," she said with a knowing wink, causing me to blush.

Dean was standing behind me with his arms wrapped around me and his head on my shoulder. "Isn't she so cute when she blushes?" Dean asked, planting a kiss on my temple. Ruthie just smiled and shook her head at us.

At that moment, Jim came into the kitchen. Taking his cues from Dean and me, Jim came up behind Ruthie and nuzzled her neck, causing her to giggle. "Gaaahhh! Your beard tickles, Jim! No fair," she pouted, but I could tell she wasn't upset.

We spent the day playing cards, watching movies, swapping stories, anything to get our minds off of what was likely going to happen tonight. Sam, Dean, Ruthie and Jim had a couple of meetings during the day about the plan, discussing any last-minute changes. While they talked, I slipped out of the room and onto the back porch.

This last time, I was kneeling on the bench, hands clasped in front of me and resting on the top rail. I marveled at how many stars were visible in the clear night sky. I suddenly felt very small and insignificant.

I turned my eyes towards the stars again and sent a silent plea to whatever higher being was in charge of the universe at the moment. I asked that all would go well tonight, and that no one would be hurt in our pursuit of the shapeshifter. Then I turned my fury on the monster itself. You out there, you monster? I silently warned. I hope you're listening, because I'm not going to let you beat me or harm my family. We are coming after you. We are stronger than you and we will prevail.

Satisfied with my message, I decided to walk back into the house. As soon as I stood up, a searing pain hit my head, causing me to crash onto the deck floor. I tried to cry out for help, but the pain was too intense. I was starting to see little black spots and was having trouble focusing on objects just in front of me.

I managed to pull myself back up to a sitting position back on the bench. The intensity of the pain seemed to lessen a bit, so I again attempted to make my way back to the house. I took two, maybe three steps before an intense and piercing spasm hit my head. I cried out in anguish, then my world went black.

From Sam's POV:

"Okay, so once more. Dean and I will be at your bar, Ruthie. You and Maggie will be at Lucky's Bar and Grill. We'll ID the shifter and chase him over to your location," Sam explained. "All mission communications will go through you, Ruthie. The shifter is most likely still somewhat linked to Maggie's mind, or will be trying to establish a stronger connection to her."

"Did anyone just hear that?" Ruthie asked. "Sounds like it came from the back deck. Is it....?" We all bolted out the back door and saw Maggie on the floor.

Dean reached Maggie first, picking her up and cradling her in his arms. "Maggie, baby, open your eyes. It's me, Dean. Honey, wake up," he pleaded. All of a sudden, Maggie jerked awake and sat bolt upright, looking at all of us, her eyes wide with fear. Dean clutched her to his chest and rocked her back and forth as she seemed to melt into his arms.

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