5; the study group

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"do you like that girl." i asked him, shino laughed, then chuckled,

"would you date your sister?" he continued, "hinata is like a little sister to me. i don't know if you knew me in primary school, but hinata, kiba and i were inseparable. she got bullied a lot because she was a timid person. it's just a habit for me to always check up on her and make sure she has what she needs and to make sure she's safe." he finished.

i knew shino went to the same elementary school as me, but i never knew that girl went there. i didn't hang out with anyone until middle school.

until i met those idiots.

"hmp. well do you want me there tomorrow or not. i always come and hang out at your place everyday so-"

"sasuke, don't overthink things. it's fine, she's a nice girl. you'll understand once you get to meet her." he said cutting me off.

i went to his place everyday after school because my parents were never home. they were always on business trips and my brother runs his own company here. he has his own house and his own everything. they send food to the house using servants every week and they check to make sure i wasn't dead or anything.

i've always been alone since i was little.

i'm used to it.


"bye father!! i'm gonna go now!"

"okay, have a great day!!" i nodded and closed the door behind me.

i started to walk to the subway to school. father already knows that i'll be over at shino's to study. he said to bring an extra pair of clothes just in case anything happened. i brought some sweats and and a pajama top, and of course some extra underwear.

'are you almost here?' i saw on my phone, it was from shino.

i texted him back, 'yep, i'm on the subway now actually. how about you? :)' i replied,

my father continued his business here and works right after i leave the house, he drops my sister off because she was only ten.

'i'm at school, in class. sasuke isn't with me, he had to go to the office cs he got in trouble or something,' that's weird, they were always together.

'is he okay? and i'm here now. i'm walking to the front gates:)' i replied.

i wore thigh high long socks that were black, my hair was up today because i wanted to change it up since i was coming to shino's house to study, i didn't want my hair to get in the way.

i walked to my first period class and sat at my seat, "hey hinata, did you ever find out who your buddy was?" i heard sakura say as she sat down next to me, i froze up,

i had forgotten that sasuke was my buddy... wouldn't he have known from the start? i don't know why he didn't tell me...

"um, no they haven't called yet..." i told her, i didn't know how she'd react, i remember sakura having such a huge crush on sasuke both in elementary and middle school. she was dating naruto now, but i don't want to risk anything.

"hm, that's weird, do you want me to help you with anything? buddies are super important in school. the policy started in eighth grade when a boy killed himself because of online bullying and just, regular bullying. so now no one can go anywhere or do anything unless their buddy is there with them." she paused, i never knew that... this happened when i was gone?

"you can choose your buddy of course. my buddy is ino and naruto's buddy is sai; given that that's ino's boyfriend and naruto is mines. your buddy can either be a boy or girl but it has to be approved by the parent and the student. my mom didn't want me having a buddy who isn't a girl so i had to choose ino. it's odd that they haven't called you in yet, they should've at least emailed you thought right?" she said finally standing up. ino walked towards us,

"hey, have you guys seen mr. kakashi yet? he's later than usual-"

"sit down, sorry i'm late you guys. i was-"

"yeah yeah sir! we don't want your excuses!" i heard naruto yell, i laughed. everyone sat down in their seats and mr. kakashi began his lesson. i still can't believe that sasuke was my partner...

i remember seeing him walk home alone while my father picked me up from school. sasuke was always alone when i saw him, he was my neighbor... well sort of, we both live at big manors so it did take time if i were to visit him by foot.

i was at the back of the class, i looked over to the board where mr. kakashi was writing down the lesson and my attention focused on naruto...

he's so... radiant...


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