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i looked at the text i received from shino again, 'mom and dad will be home an hour after i get back.' after the message was read, shino called.

sasuke answered his call, "yes?" he said, smirking.

"i'm walking towards the neighborhood now and mom asked what you wanted for dinner." he said through the phone,

"i don't know. she already made tomato soup for us last week. tell her to make whatever." sasuke replied.

"okay." he said ending the call.

sasuke and shino had been... close friends ever since the year they started high school. in the summer was when they actually introduced themselves to each other.

sasuke has lost his virginity and came wandering around some alley way and shino had gotten into a fight with some thugs. shino had dropped kiba off at his house and shino was about to leave to his when they bumped into each other.

"tsk. get outta the way." sasuke said all grumpy.

shino turned back and glared at him through his shades, "what?" he said sharply.

"i said, get the fu-"

shino had ran up to him and punched him in the jaw. shino and kiba were... quite but troublesome kids. especially kiba, kiba always got shino involved into things and that's how shino is how he is.

he was the big brother of the group, leaving hinata the little sister.

"i'm home." shino yelled loudly as he closed the door behind him. hinata slowly creeped out from shino's room and gave shino a hug,

"did you get my cinnamon buns!?" she said all smiley and happily. shino smiled and nodded,

he patted her head, "of course. so when is your dad going to pick you up? my parents said you could stay over." shino said, being followed by hinata to the kitchen.

"my dad said i can. i just don't know if i should..." she said quietly.

"i hope you two behaved when i was gone." shino said.


a blush crept on my face, i quickly covered it by turning the other way and shoving my face in the fridge as if i was getting something.

shino nudged my on my shoulder and i turned to look at him. cinnamon buns!!

i took it from his hands gladly as well as the green tea. "thank you" i said smiling.

sasuke was still in the living room, sitting on the couch on his phone. "sasuke." shino called, sasuke nodded and walked into the kitchen.

shino handed him something and i saw a glimpse of what it was. my mouth went open.


h-he-he isn't a virgin??

"don't mind it hina, he's a little piece of shit is what he is for making me buy him some." shino said with a mad tone. i chuckled, "what'd you get for yourself? oh and did you get beef jerkey?" i asked, sitting on the island as i looked through the bag.

he did.

for kiba. i smiled.

"how were you when i was gone? did he do anything to you? tell me if he said weird things or anything mean kay? i'll definitely beat his ass kay hina?" shino's said smiling,

i bit the inside of my lips. "n-no... nothing happened. i was just on my phone the whole time a-actually." i said.

lying to shino?!!?

oh my gosh.

i have never.

i looked away to avoid eye contact. i looked to my left so shino wouldn't see my face. but to my right was where sasuke stood and he just looked at me with a small smirk on his face.


i really dislike this person. such a mean person exist in this world and it happens to be one of shino's close friends. i'm sad that shino hangs out with someone so mean.

i felt a pat on the head, "alright, mom's making zenzai and she got so happy when i told her you finally came back." shino said, i smiled.

mrs. aburame was always such a nice person, she was the one who dressed me up nice and treated my scrapes and bruises after school when i hung out at shino's.

"sasuke, did you do what i told you to?" shino asked,

told him what?

i wondered

sasuke sighed, "yeah. if you can't fuckin see for yourself. i already set the table moron."

i got off the island and looked over to the dinner table. he did set it...

"don't cuss around hinata. i wouldn't like her to pick up some shi- something from you." he said, i laughed quietly.

"shino it's okay. hanabi cusses a lot too." i held him by his sweater, he sighed in defeat.

"... kay... so will you be staying over or just for dinner?" i'd love to sleep over and gossip about everything's that i've missed. it was only friday so i had the whole weekends to study.

father was okay with me staying over with shino or kiba since i knew them from an early age. i bit the inside of my lip. but will sasuke be there... ?

even so, if he will be staying the night, nothing could happen to me. shino was with me and will be with me so i should be okay...

"my dad will bring clothes for me. so i guess i'll be staying." i said smiling at him.


the hyuga smiled.

that's all she ever did when shino was around.

she didn't stutter at all. or even talk in a low timid voice. tch.

how annoying.

"i'm glad you want to spend some time with us. sasuke will be staying over, he stays over all the time actually... so if you want him gone just say it." what? this little-

shino looked at me through this shades, "n-no! it's fine! see!" she smiled again,

since she was staying the night, that meant we would sleep in the same room right?

i'll make sure to fuck around with her then.


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