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sorry, i won't be updating today !

i'm sorry again !! but i will give you a little teaser of the drama i'd like to upload !!


the photo was leaked.

hinata had locked herself in homeroom with the doors locked. she never thought that any of this was going to happen.

but— who knew?

she was gonna walk home once she had finished her crying session. her plan was to walk home. sleep. and live a life somewhere, somewhere not there.

hinata's eyes were as red a tomato. her cheeks rose and pink from the crying. she shedded her final tear- how could this happen?

she thought.

maybe i should just di-

the door was flung open. but it was locked? how could someone-

he had kicked the door open. closing the door behind him.

sasuke looked at her. her small fragile body cooped up against the wall near the windows. she coward in fear and tried to run away.

the source of all her problems.

he caught her wrist and held her back,

"let go!! i-i hate you!" she yelled. her voice echoing in his ear, in his mind it repeated.

i hate you...

i hate you—

it... hurt

he pulled her by her wrist and held her against his chest. he held her head tight against his chest, slowly falling to the floor while she slowly stopped fighting him.

"shhh... relax..."




she heard his heart beat fast, hers did too. her chest tightened up and she let him caress her. she sobbed quietly on his chest. the empty room. closed doors. closed windows. no lights.

but shadows.


the sound of sobs.

"do you... really... hate me?" he asked. breaking the calm silence.

silence was later heard again. she didn't respond. keeping her head on his chest, using him as a pillow.

"i hate you." she didn't hesitate at all.

his chest tightened up more, that hurt.

"i-i hate you more than anyone... you're- you're the reason why shino hates himself. why kiba got hurt. and you're the reason of our sadness." she didn't stutter, she wanted to make things clear.

she got away from his embrace, scooting away from him. still sitting down. "but- but you stayed with the three of us... e-even when kiba got abandoned. even wh-when shino fell into depression again— y-you helped. thank you." she finished, "sasuke uchiha."

sasuke had tears in his eyes.

she was so strong. even when the photo was leaked, she didn't have the temptation of murder, of wanting to hurt others like he and shino did.

even though everyone thought of her as someone different now, she stayed strong. she was called names no one could have recovered from and yet- she acted like she was fine.

some helped her, but they didn't succeed well.

a picture of a gang rape wasn't easily escaped from. they had the video but they haven't released it yet. that- that despicable woman.

that damned monster child.

this will probably happen once sasuke finally realize his feelings for hinata and when hinata finally stops her feelings for naruto.

i think that this will most likely happen around the 20th ish update?

i'm working on a chapter right now called, 'honey🍯'


gang gangTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon