17; relatives

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i looked down.

of course it's that stupid dork.

i looked away and saw the things she dropped.

i picked them up and handed them to her, she stayed silent and on the floor still while she finally grabbed the snacks and juice from my hands.

she smiled.


"tsk. get up. you're so anno—"

"th-thank you! i got a snack for each of us so we don't get tired so easily!" she got up and smiled her stupid annoying smile.

i followed her back to the room, keeping an eye out for her older brother.


the two made it to the room, hinata carrying the same snacks she had carried before she fell.

once she entered the room— she saw her brother.

"hi neji. what're you doing here?" she asked, putting down the snacks while she handed them to choji and shikamaru.

neji was sitting on hinata's orange sofa and stood up, hands crossed and hair down.

"i just wanted to see how you were doing. just surprised that shino couldn't make it." he said, looking at the people in her room.

analyzing them.

"so what're your names?" he asked, glaring at the three boys in hinata's room.

hinata freaked out, not wanting neji to start questioning every single one of them, "uh- um... that one with the ponytail is shikamaru! he-he's really nice and smart!! the-the other one is choji and he's a very sweet person! the one with black hair is sasuke and-"

"sasuke? the uchiha?" neji interrupted. hinata nodded, biting the inside of her lip, still nervous.

sasuke stood there, arms crossed, staring back at neji.

"is there something wrong?" he asked mockingly.

neji and sasuke glared at each other. hinata noticed this and jumped in, "w-well this is my older brother! he's a year older than us and goes to school with us! he's really nice so you guys should get along . . ."

neji has been this type of person since he was
well— born? always so protective of something he needed to protect. something he loved and wanted nothing but happiness for.

at first— it was just a role for him.

as an older brother— to two little sisters.

he soon realized that he had to protect them once he saw hinata getting badly mistreated by other kids around his age. he hated having a little sister at first, always crying for no reason at all, always needing attention. always needing something.

so— as a jealous brother, who wanted attention from both his mother and father, he became a kid who loathed weak people.

he began to bully her, make fun of her, for being so . . . weak, annoying, for being a crybaby.

"you three better not do anything funny. i'll be in my room hinata. call me if you need anything okay? dad's ordering pizza. i'll call you down when it arrives." hinata nodded while she smiled, watching neji leave.

sasuke watched the whole thing.

so this is neji? her so beloved brother. he doesn't
look like an idiot . . . he looks . . . kinda cool actually . . . sasuke thought, looking away from everyone else when he thought what he did.

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