16; group project

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okay- so i'm still super sick.

i've never been sick for so long that i'm soooo stressed!! i had to go to prep day two days ago (monday, august 12!) and i was sick that day too!! i haven't been getting better and i'm getting migraines!!

i'm going to give you guys a chapter right here, right now!! but- comment some ideas for me to write because- um... i really can't think about what to do now
thank you for understanding— here's the story! enjoy! :)


the class was quite.

sending their costumes to hinata and the other four while hinata sat down on her desk, next to sasuke while she wrote down the hero costumes she had to make.

sasuke had his head on his fore arm while he was on his phone. hinata continued on writing down the costumes she had to make.

there were two groups with four people. and one group with twelve.

group one was the costume design people. that group had hinata and sasuke, as well as shikamaru and choji.

group two was the activity designers, the people in that group were sakura, ino, akame and erika.

group three had the most people in them. it was the room decoration group; having naruto, sai, hana, yuto, hayato, haruki, daichi, hinata, rosie, emiko, ryusei, and sato.

"hey..." shikamaru said, looking back at hinata. hinata looked at him,


"where are we gonna work on the costumes in. i don't want my mom bossin' me around when i have people over so my house is off limits." he said, looking at choji and hinata.

hinata smiled, "i'll ask my father. i have siblings at home so if you don't mind... but they won't bother us while we work on the costumes." she said, still working on the paper.

she had to buy all the materials for the class and they had to make the costumes for everyone in class. sakura had already submitted the theme of the class to kakashi and he accepted.

meaning that they had one week to prepare for the festival.

hinata came home from the store with materials for the little project. getting all sorts of colored fabrics to make the costumes.

hinata waited for it to begin, the four went shopping together, minus sasuke who was wondering around the store. trying to find something to eat.

"so do you know how make clothes?" hinata asked first.

none of them nodded or said 'yes' "i-i'll take that as a no. so i'll teach you guys the basics and we should all make five costumes each so it's easier." she explained all the basics and gave them all the fabrics and sowing tools they needed.

hinata began on her first costume design, it was sakura's. she wanted to be a superhero named pixie (from x men)

and so- she began. the costumes was black and yellow and it was pretty simple. it would probably take a day to complete it. she had to make ino's, sakura, akame, and erika's costumes;

"would you guys like some snacks?" hinata broke the silence. shikamaru and choji were sowing and making their assigned costumes but sasuke was just laying around, on his phone, not doing- anything.

choji asked if he could at least do something but he just gave choji a glare and sasuke walked away, out of hinata's room.

so this is what her room looks like... he took in a sniff once he entered for the first time.

he continued on wondering in her big house. the size was just like his, it was a manor full of unused rooms and bathrooms. with many kitchens and living rooms.

hinata watched him leave in panic and wondered where he was off to, "u-i'm gonna go after him kay?" hinata was nervous having so many strangers in her house.

but most of her nervousness was because sasuke was there.

in her house.

in the same room.

as— her.

he turned to a hallway and bumped into someone,

"tsk." came out his mouth and he looked up to a guy with long brown hair and the same eyes as the hyuga.

"you must be one of hinata's friends. the bathrooms that way." neji said plainly. pointing to the bathroom as he continued on to where he was going-

to hinata's room.

only to see that... she wasn't there?

"where's hinata." he asked the two still in the room. choji shrugged,

"she said she was gon go and get a snack for us." shikamaru lied while neji believed.

hinata lost sasuke who was running from her— or rather— just wandering off. she decided to make an actual snack for the four of them hoping that once she came back, sasuke would too.


was that—

her brother?

he seems so . . . familiar.

so is long hair part of the family tradition or som shit? she's got long hair and so does every one of her damn relatives.

i walked away from her brother and walked into the bathroom.

it smelt like vanilla in there and the color theme was red and gold. the bathroom had a separate bathtub and shower, and a toilet and sink.

there were folded towels on the storage cabinets, along with soaps and scented body essentials.

does she take a shower in here?

probably not. she had the bathroom in her own room.


i walked back to the room, snacks and caprisuns in each of my hands. i walked along wearing a sweater and some sweats.


i dropped to the floor next thing i knew and instantly looked up to see who had bumped into



i've finally updated !!

i'll try and update constantly though as well, but as you know— school is right around the corner and IM SO FLIPPIN STRESSED OUT.


but some JUICY stuff's about to happen !




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