Hidden in Sight

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I have been thinking about this story for a while. Now that practically the whole world is in quarantine, I have more time to write. You have time to read, Enjoy!!!!

A lot of people knew about the whole Cher and Rob Camilletti scandal in the 80's. The cameras wouldn't leave them alone and they were on the front page of every paper and magazine. Their relationship put up with that for 4 years. What no one from outside the family knew was that they were keeping a secret. Cher was struggling with her career on top of all the mayhem that was going on. It was the perfect opportunity to stay low and cover the whole thing up. Cher was pregnant at 42 years old and was having a hard time keeping up with everything while trying to safe her relationship. Rob couldn't take it anymore so after Cher gave birth, they decided it was best to break up. No one had payed attention to Cher's pregnancy so Rob convinced her it was best if he kept the baby and disappeared. As much as it broke Cher's heart, she knew it was the right thing to do for her little girl. Her name was Alessa and it pained Rob to take her away from Cher but it was for the best.

Alessa grew up always knowing who her mother was. She knew her siblings and the whole story behind the separation. Cher got on with her life but still in contact with Rob to keep tabs on her daughter. Rob had always kept them in contact but mother and daughter were not allowed to have physical contact. Alessa thought it was totally unfair for both of them but through the years, as Cher's fame grew, she understood. Though she was allowed to hang out with her brothers, it was not the same. She longed for her mother and missed her every day. They talked on the phone and video chatted as time passed but Alessa's desire to be with Cher grew.

The woman herself suffered a lot for not being close to Alessa. Pauly would travel to see her occasionally but Cher wished it was her. They had gotten used to it but never abandoning their wish to be together. Rob had put into his daughter's head his own pain of the scandal and Cher being in the public eye. That had created guilt in Alessa so she was afraid of doing something reckless. Though Alessa was very much like Cher, physically and in her attitude. Alessa had become a strong and independent 31 year old woman. She was careful and reasonable like her father but tough as her mother. She would often sneak out to hand out with Chaz or Elijah. The three have had a good relationship, the boys passed her out as a family friend in their mothers events but without Cher being there. The boys knew the risk and even though they weren't ok with Rob's decision, the boys didn't get a say on the matter. They have seen how much Cher suffers because of this so they try to make the most of ir dispute everything. Chaz was the most that hated and his sister didn't get have physical contact with Cher but at least they could.

Alessa was a photographer for a magazine in New York so she got to see a lot of places and meet some of the people Cher had met. The downside was that nobody knew their connection. Rob had always prevented them to clash at the same events by him being Cher's pilot sometimes. It was hard for Alessa to have a father as controlling as him at her age. At least Cher and Alessa could talk on the phone every night. The best conversation each of them had was with each other. Both happy every time they talked but heartbroken when they had to say goodbye. Cher's family watched her go through this since Rob took Alessa away but all they could do was comfort her. Mother and daughter both hoped that one day the two could be able to uncover the secret and touch each other.

Alessa followed Cher's career obviously and loved her music and movies but since she was use to it, she wasn't like those crazy fans who had everything of Cher. Come on, she had seen The Cher Show about 5 times before it closed thanks to Chaz though to her it was no big deal. She knew her mother was in the middle of her Here We Go Again tour and was soon going to be in New York but didn't know when. Rob had made sure Alessa didn't go anywhere near the event. She didn't know how but it happened. She was tired of Rob keeping her away from Cher and manipulating her but the sad thing was that it worked. Rob had managed for Alessa to never go alone anywhere except with Chaz and Elijah as a friend but never outside the city.

What was sadder for Alessa was that she lived in a small apartment still with her dad. She couldn't believe the length he would go to for that secret to be kept hidden. He always says is for the good of both the families but Alessa knew he just didn't want to get hurt again. She was used to her lifestyle by now and to Chers calls every night. At least she wasn't like every other no show mother and was actually present in her life despite all.

She had finished with her day and went home to get ready for dinner. Alessa and Rob had dinner together almost every day, at least when Rob didn't have to do a late flight. When she got home, after she showered and before she went out the door, the phone beeped.

Chaz: In town tomorrow, want to meet up?

Alessa smiled and replied: Yes 😍 see you at 1pm at the usual café

She got dressed and when she was about to go out, her phone rang.

"Hello pest" an eager voice sounded on the other side

"Hi rat" Alessa laughed at her best friend

"Al, guess what I got us for this weekend?" The young woman said


"Two tickets to Cher's concert, Arena!!!" She exclaimed, Alessa's eyes went wide. Rob was gonna kill her if he found out. She didn't expect for the concert to be so soon.

"Monica what have you done??!!! You know I can't go, dad will kill me if he found out" Alessa scolded. Monica was a big Cher fan and knew about her history with Rob as everyone else. She just didn't know Cher was Alessa's mother. The two had been best friends since they were teenagers but for the sake of the secrecy, Rob made Alessa tell Monica that she had been born two years after the couple broke up. Though she knew that Alessa knew Chaz and Elijah.

"Come on!!! You are a grown woman, you can't let your dad keep telling you where to or where not to go" Monica said

"I don't know, he has my phone shipped remember" Alessa said

"I know it would be weird and he might still be hurt but he doesn't have to know. We can meet at my place before the concert, leave your phone there and use mine in case of an emergency. We use to do that to sneak into places when we were teenagers. Just tell him you're sleeping over, come on Al do it!!!" Monica told her

Alessa thought about it for a few moments, this would be the first time she went to one of her mothers concerts. The first time she would she Cher live and in person, at least from afar. She was seeing Chaz tomorrow so maybe he could give her some advice on what to do "I'll think about it but guard the ticket" she said

"Yes!!! This is gonna be so exciting" Monica yelled making Alessa wince at the phone

"I have to go, I have dinner with dad" they said their goodbyes and hung up

Later in the night, Alessa and Rob were having dinner at his apartment. They talk but at the same time Alessa barely talked. She was too nervous thinking about the concert to even look at Rob.

He sensed this and immediately cleared his throat making Alessa react "What?" She said

"Al, is something wrong?" Rob asked

"No, I'm fine" She paused, took a deep breath and spoke again "Chaz is in town tomorrow"

Rob raised an eyebrow "Alessa you know the rules"

"I know, I'll be careful I promise" She quickly said, Rob puffed but relaxed. Alessa spoke again "Also, Monica invited me to stay over for the weekend"

"I don't know honey" Rob started

Alessa quickly interrupted "Come on dad, I'm a grown woman and she's my best friend. We just want to remember old times. Like I said, I'm a grown woman, I know how to take care of myself" she ranted

"Alright alright" Rob finally said

Alessa smiled and went to hug him from behind "Thank you dad"

That night, all Alessa could think of was seeing Cher in person. Even if it was from the distance, she could see her mother in front of her. It was gonna be really exciting yet risky, Alessa had never lied to Rob before so it was playing with her mind. Despite that, she didn't care, she was gonna experience what every other Cher fan has and she couldn't wait for it. The only detail was that this experience was more personal than fan based and it gave her goosebumps.

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