The Mystery Girl in Cher's Life

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When Cher and Alessa got home, Pauly was there waiting for them. Cher has called her from the car, telling her what happened. They took everything off and went to the living room.

"Are you two insane?" Pauly exclaimed

"Paul, I'm not gonna stop working because Al is here. Quite the opposite, she has helped me a lot with the making of the video" Cher said

"And this gives us time to be together and for me to get involved in moms life. It's what we wanted" Alessa added

"By tomorrow you're gonna be everywhere, maybe even by tonight.Are you up for it?" Pauly asked

"Aren't I always? You know I don't pay attention to any of that" Cher told her

"I know" Pauly said to Cher then she turned to Alessa "I was asking you young lady"

Alessa took a deep breath "I am, if I can go through the hustle of a press conference or the millions of photographers at a red carpet photo session, I can get through this. Besides, finally being recognized as Cher's daughter is wholeheartedly reward enough for me" she said

"That's my girl" Cher said giving her a side hug, she picked up the phone and it got answered by the second ring "Hey Bob, I'm just checking on the dress for the UNICEF event this weekend. It's ready? That's great, can you make another one? They're different measurements, I'll see you in two hours to get them. Good, bye"

"The second dress is for Alessa, isn't it?" Pauly asked, Alessa's eyes widened

"Yes" she said to Pauly before looking at her daughter "you are going to the event with me, it's gonna be your first public appearance as my daughter. If you want to of course"

Alessa's jaw dropped "Really?? Are you sure? I mean, wouldn't that mean too much exposure? What would dad say?"

"I'll talk to him, don't worry. You've been in hiding for far too long and it's time you experience the spotlight a little. Chaz will join us so you won't be alone, he can help you get through it. Now, we're gonna go meet Bob Mackie for your dress" Cher explained

To this, Alessa was even more stunned "Me? Wear a Bob Mackie dress? Oh my god" she said, Pauly and Cher laughed

"Are you gonna keep acting surprised every time? You're my daughter, from now on, I get to give you everything you deserve that I didn't had the chance to give you" Cher said

Alessa rested her head on Cher's shoulder "I don't need glamour, it's good, but all I ever need is to be with you and be happy"

Cher kissed her head. She stood up, Alessa followed "Come on, we have a lot to do before we go"

They stood up and went to Cher's office, she called the girls she was using for the video to confirm their assistance. Later, both Alessa and Cher went to see Bob Mackie for the fitting. Bob was absolutely enchanted by the resemblance of mother and daughter. Alessa couldn't shake the fact that she was being praised by such an iconic man in the fashion world. Once they got home, Cher began to built the schedule for the making of the Chiquita video. It was gonna be something simple and it would be made before the event. Night fell and Cher was still working and Alessa was viewing the pictures she took.

Pauly suddenly entered the room running "Girls!!! You gotta see this. It happened"

Everyone got together and looked at Pauly's phone, the articles were popping up every 2 minutes.

Cher spotted at park alongside mystery woman

Cher seen comforting young woman at swing sets in a park

Could this be another "mysterious" woman in Cher's life?

Alessa laughed at the last headline "Told you I would be "mystery woman" haha" she said

"It will die down in a few days and if it doesn't, they'll know you at the event this weekend" Cher said

"Aren't you going too fast with this Cheralina? Rob won't like that she's going to the event. It's too much exposure" Pauly said

"By then the event would be over and Al knows not to answer too many questions, right?" Cher said looking at Alessa

"Right, it will be fun, I know the cameras will be on our tail. Come on, she's Cher but she's my mother" Alessa said, Cher chuckled at that "so I'm mentally prepared" Pauly sighed in defeat

In the following days Cher was working on directing and shooting the video. Alessa went in her place to the shoot in the park so Cher wouldn't be seen. She kept calling and FaceTiming to see how things were doing. Alessa even appeared in a few scenes, the clips were sent to editing and the day before the event it was done. The day of the event came and Cher was teaching her daughter all she needed to know before stepping into the event. The dresses came and it fit Alessa perfectly, Pauly and Chaz got there a few hours later then the makeup team started working on the girls.

On the way to the event, the car ride was awfully quiet. Cher was on her phone, scrolling through twitter, Chaz and Pauly were talking but Alessa was looking out the window. Her mind was thoughtful, preparing herself for what's to come. Chaz notices and got her attention.

"Are you ok sis?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm just a bit anxious. It's one thing to be behind a camera, a different thing is to be at the other end" Alessa admitted

Chaz reaches out and held her hand "It's ok to feel that way, you'll do great. I'm never gonna leave your side" he said

"Neither will I" added Cher with a reassuring smile

The car stopped and they all took a deep breath "It's time" Pauly said

Alessa's heart seemed to jump out of her chest. The door opened and the cameras started flashing. It was show time...

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