Because You're Cher's Daughter

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I feel like this won't be very good but let me know otherwise. I'm running out of ideas so if you have any suggestions on what else I could write, let me know. Enjoy!!!

In the next week, Alessa was going through the contact list she managed to made at her party. Various Magazines in California, many good ones that needed a photographer. She already had a portfolio from her previous jobs, her resume and a few letters of recommendations. Alessa had always been prepared for this kind of thing. She talked to Chaz to see if he could take her to the interviews and he said yes.

They arrived at the first one, Cyndi Lauper was the one who got her this interview. Chaz was gonna wait for her in the car while she went inside. Alessa entered the Lifetime magazine building and was amazed at the decor. The walls were painted light sky blue and the furniture was white.

Alessa approached the young woman at the front desk who seemed to be bored, she had straight short dark brown hair, green eyes and wore a loose navy blue blouse and a tight pencil skirt "Excuse me miss, I'm here for the photographer interview"

The young woman looked at her and answered blankly "Name"

"Alessa Camilletti Sarkisian" Al replied

The woman typed in the computer in front of her "Wait in the sitting area, I'm gonna go notify Ms. Daniels that you're here" Alessa nodded and went to sit down. A few minutes passed before the young woman came back "You can go in now"

Alessa slowly moved towards Ms. Daniels office. Inside there was light purple walls and a light brown wooden desk. The woman in front of her seemed in her mid fifties but she looked well kept. She was a tall curly haired brunette, dark brown eyes with skin as brown as milk chocolate to match. The woman smiled politely once she saw Alessa enter the room, they shook hand and sat down. Alessa spoke first to show confidence.

"Hi, thank you for agreeing to see me on such short notice. I'm nervous and excited about this interview" Alessa started

"You have nothing to worry about dear, Cyndi already told me a lot about you. All we need to discuss is your availability and your paycheck" Ms. Daniels said

"Really?" Alessa asked confused

"Sure, your salary will be $30 weekly and I believe you have equipment. I mean you must be prepared and you must be very talented if your mother is Cher right?" Ms. Daniels told her

Alessa's forehead creased "You mean, you don't even want me to show you my portfolio?" She asked

"Honey, with all the talent in your family, I have full trust in your abilities. We have done a few articles on Cher and gotten pictures to go with them-" Ms. Daniels went on and on about all things Cher. Alessa was taken aback by the sudden burst "So, when can you start?" Ms. Daniels finished

The young woman straightened up "I have four more interviews after this one, I'll call you" Alessa said

"Great!! Here's my card, I hope you make the right decision" Ms. Daniels said. They stood up, smiled at each other and bid goodbyes.

Alessa got into the car with a scowl on her face. Chaz looked at her intrigued "How did the interview go sis?" He asked as he began driving

"I don't know, good I guess but it felt weird. She knew me and all she could talk about was mom and that I must be as talented as her. She didn't even look at my resume or portfolio and said asked when could I start" Alessa told him

"Ah, well that's the price of fame. We all had to pay it Al" Chaz said

"What do you mean?" Alessa asked

"Elijah and I went through the same thing when we started to look for different jobs before what we do now. It wasn't easy to get one that didn't give us special treatment. Our mom is Cher, she's like royalty in this business and everyone knows her so they know us" Chaz said

"I'm a photographer, I'm betting it's gonna get harder for me" Alessa groaned sliding down the seat

"Probably" Chaz teased, she punched him in the arm

The next interviews were as she expected by now, exactly like the first one. They all praised her and Cher alike. Some were asking a lot of personal questions which Alessa didn't answer. This made the interviews more awkward so she cut them short. A few looked at her portfolio and none of them at her resume. The next one was from the list she made and was praying that it got better.

This time she was going to a minor class magazine. The building was small, very summer like and the workers dressed casual. She got to the front desk, announced herself and the guy only stood up without even looking at her. He looked very camp and like he couldn't care less about the people coming in or out. Alessa waiter in the sitting area only for a few minutes. The guy returned and said she could go in, Alessa walked to the office annoyed.

Once inside, there were a lot of bookshelves filled with magazine covers of different articles. All of them had different stories, Alessa thought half of them were probably made up. The guy standing in front of her had curly blond hair up his shoulders. He was thin, wore jeans with a T-shirt that read "The boss" and a jacket and had reading glasses on.

"Hello, I'm here because I'm looking for a job as a photographer. My name is Alessa-" Alessa said

The guy cut her off "I know who you are and I don't understand why you are looking for a job if you live under the roof of one of the most riches artist in this country" he claimed "My name is Joshua Winston by the way but I don't believe in formalities so call me Josh"

Alessa looked at him in disbelief "I...Um, well Josh, I don't know how you know who I am or maybe I do but things are not what you think. I like to do things the hard way and not hang on to my mothers status" she said

"Sweetheart, my magazine was one of many who did the article of you and Cher in the park" Josh said, Alessa's eyes went round "Let me tell you this, I see that your resume is very interesting and your portfolio is kind of cool and complete" he said looking at each item "You are a hard working woman and very passionate to your work. Exactly what we look for in this corporation"

"Great" Alessa said excited

"I'll give you test assignment, get me a full article with pictures included. All about Cher, her personal life at home, how she is outside showbiz, if you can get me a preview of what she's working on to be released next that would be perfect. I saw your dad, and yes we know is Robert Camilletti, maybe you can tell the readers if they're together. You know, get me something juicy, answers that the readers want. Have it on my desk in three days and you can have the job. If you don't then I'm sorry you can try somewhere else but I doubt you'll get it"

Alessa's face fell as she heard Josh say that, she went red and she stood up "Are you being serious? You will give me the job just for being Cher's daughter?. You think that I'm gonna get you that information because I live with her? Well you thought wrong. Despite who my mom is, I have my own talents, I want different things and want a separate life. One with is being Cher's daughter and another different thing is being a photographer. You people make up stories because you don't live with her and think that because I do, I will get it for you. I'm not going to ruin her life or mine to keep a job. We are two different women with different lives. So no, I won't get you the article, I'm pretty sure it would've been the scoop of a lifetime. I'm gonna get a job that doesn't screw up my life because of who my mother is. Thank you for your time" she said and grabbed her thing and left the room with a very stunned Josh behind.

Alessa got into the car furious, she slammed the door and crossed her arms and her head down. Chaz looked at her confused "I'm guessing it didn't go well either"

She shook her head and sighed "Let's just go home" that being said, Chaz started the car and drove them back to the mansion.

Alessa wanted to be part of Cher's life and for Cher to be part of hers. She just didn't think that trying to do that along with building her own was gonna be that difficult.

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