Its Not Fair

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Alessa looked at her mother with tears streaming down her face "No, I don't want to say goodbye. I want to stay with you, please" she begged

Cher wiped both their tears away "I know honey, I want that too but you have to go for now. It's for your own protection, I promise we will figure something out"

"Can't you try to reason with him?" Alessa asked getting off the floor and helping Cher up

Cher chuckled "I have, many times but he's a stubborn man" she caressed her daughters face once again "I love you Al, you know that"

"I love you too mom" Alessa said, Cher kissed her forehead and ran out the door. Pauly hugged Cher as she broke down crying.

Outside, Alessa saw Monica's embarrassed face and Rob frowning angrily "How did you even found us?" She asked harsh

"I called you multiple times and when you didn't answer, I got worried. Went to Monica's building and knocked on the door. Again no answer so I asked the doorman to open it. When I saw your phone on the bed it wasn't hard to figure out you two were here. I got it right here, now come one, let's go home" Rob said turning but Alessa didn't move

"No, I want to stay here. I want to be with her, why can't you understand that?" Alessa said

"Do you really want to make a scene here? I wouldn't recommend it. We can talk at home" Rob remarked

Alessa growled and walked pass him to the car, Monica followed her then Rob. The ride was silent, Alessa was furious but she was still thinking about Cher. That is what brought her comfort, they got to hold each other even if it was for a few minutes. That first ever contact meant so much to her, the look in the eyes Cher had was so beautiful and sweet. It seemed the longing and the excitement of that first meeting was there for both of them. That was one of the happiest moments of their lives. It reminded Alessa that she needed her mother and was not gonna give up on her. Rob left Monica at her apartment and him and Alessa went home. She went straight to her apartment slamming the door. Rob followed her and got in with his key.

"Al why in the world would you do something like this? You know the consequences. This is the first time you disobey me and look where it almost got you" Rob told her

Alessa looked at him crying "It got me to be held by my mother for the first time. Something that I have wanted my entire life and have been waiting for the opportunity. I got the chance today and I took it without regret" she said, her voice raising

"I don't want you to have to face what we did, you know what would happen if it gets out the Cher had a daughter with bagel boy?" Rob yelled

"What happened to you doesn't necessarily have to happen to me. The world has change since you and mom were together. I know how to handle the press, gosh I work for the press" Alessa fought

"All the decisions I've made has been to protect you and Cher. To protect this family, I would never want us to have a hard time" Rob said

"Dad, I am 31 years old and have the right to make my own choices. I know how to handle myself, you think I don't but I do. All I want is to have a normal mother-daughter relationship with her. I'm not a little girl or a teenager anymore, you can't control me" Alessa yelled

"I am your father and you have to do what I say no matter what. I'm trying to do what is best for you" Rob argued

"NO YOU DONT, KEEPING ME AWAY FROM MOM IS NOT THE BEST FOR ME. YOU ARE ONLY THINKING OF YOURSELF. NOW DO ME A FAVOR AND GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" She shouted and ran to her room, slammed the door and fell on her bed crying.

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