Family support

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I know the first chapter wasn't very good but since it was like an introduction it doesn't matter. I hope to be writing better from this point on. I don't know, you tell me. Enjoy!!!

Alessa wasn't the only one with jitters, Cher was getting anxious as well. She was going to be in New York and yet again be stuck in a hotel. More frustrating, she couldn't see her daughter or be close to her so they wouldn't draw any suspicion. Cher was happy that Alessa got her looks, slim, straight pitch black hair, same skin color and the same cheekbones. She got the eyes, her lips and the chin from Rob. Still Cher and Alessa couldn't be seen together, people would be able to tell. That is what Rob was afraid of, even Cher because she didn't want to put Alessa at risk. Now she was gonna be in the same city but they still had to be apart again. Chaz had told Cher that he was gonna meet with her so she was happy about that. Though right now Cher was a little worried because Alessa didn't call last night as usual. She was pacing all over the living room making Paulette and Georganne dizzy.

"Something must have happened, she didn't call last night. Every time something happens, she doesn't call or forgets" Cher said agitated

"Don't worry sis, she'll call. Maybe she got behind on work" Gigi told her, suddenly Cher's phone rang and she immediately picked it up.

"Hello? Alessa?" Cher asked

"Yeah mom it's me, you know there's suppose to be called ID on the screen right?" The young woman teased

Cher chuckled "I know, I was just a little anxious to speak to you since you didn't call last night and that only happens when something is not right. Pauly and Gigi are right here trying to calm me down. Are you ok baby girl?" She said

Alessa went tense before she could answer, she was doubting whether to tell Cher about the concert tickets or not "I'm ok mom, just behind on work and it has me stressed. I'm having lunch with Chaz later though, that's good"

Cher sighed, she wished the two of them would be able to do that "Yeah he told me, I'm gonna be there this weekend performing. I assume Rob didn't tell you since he knows you too well"

This made Alessa a bit nervous "He didn't tell me but my best friend Monica did, I've told you she's a big fan"

"Yeah you have, wished you could go, I haven't seen you face to face with you were 2 months old" Cher said sadly, her voice cracking

Hearing this made Alessa even sadder, a year ran down her cheek "I know, I miss you"

"I miss you too" Cher told her

She sniffed before speaking again "I saw your CR photos with Kim K and Cardi B, you killed it as usual. Not to mention it was 5 blocks from my apartment" she said trying to change the subject

"Thanks, How did you get them?" Cher asked surprised

"Like you, I have my ways" Alessa teased "mom I work as a photographer in a magazine, I have contacts"

Cher giggled "It makes me proud that you are so resourceful"

"I learned that from you" Alessa said "I have to go get back to work, I'll call you tonight. I love you"

"Alright, I love you Al" Cher said then they hung up. Cher took a deep breath but couldn't contain herself from crying. Pauly and Gigi instantly went to her sides "it's so not fair" she cried while her friend and sister comforted her.

At 12pm Chaz and Alessa met at their usual spot at a cafe near the young woman's work place. They chatted about random things at first, laughed about stuff and catch up on their lives. Alessa was one of Chaz's biggest supporters in time of need and they relied on each other a lot. The two had always been like best friends al their lives and it was good. Alessa got a bit quiet for a moment, thinking about the weekend, he noticed.

"Al what's on your mind?" Chaz asked

She took a deep breath and told him everything "You know mom is having a concert at Times Square this weekend right?" Chaz nodded "Monica bought two arena tickets and said one was for me but I'm a bit hesitant because you know how dad feels about me going. I'm thinking of doing it but I'm scared. Monica already has a plan but I'm terrified that dad finds out. I don't know what to do"

Chaz collected his thoughts for a moment "I'm assuming Rob doesn't know about the tickets" Alessa shook her head "well sis you are a grown woman, you have the right to see mom and be with mom as her daughter"

"You know what dad always tells me, I don't want to make a scandal over it and complicate moms life more than it already is" Alessa said

"Look, she's hugely famous everyone knows this. Her life is a rush everywhere she goes but so is yours" Alessa gave him a confused look "you are a photographer for goodness sakes, you are part of the paparazzi and know how the system works. It's practically the same rush so you can handle it and know how to cover any media scandal. Rob wants to protect you, I get that but you know how to take care of yourself now. Plus, you are not alone in this, everyone in the family wants the two of you together. Me and Elijah want the family to be complete and it won't be until you are fully part of moms every day life. I'd say you do it, go to the concert this weekend and together we'll handle the consequences"

Alessa mildly smiled "But what about dad?" She asked

"We'll take care of him later, he has to realize what is best for you and mom now that you're all grown up" Chaz told her

"Thanks bro" Alessa said than stood up to hug him

When she sat, Chaz took out his phone and dialed a number. Alessa didn't understand what he was doing "Hey Pauly, I need you to do something. Listen carefully and please don't tell any of this to mom" Alessa bit her bottom lip excitedly while listening to Chaz

Two days later, exactly two days before the concert. Alessa was preparing her bag to go to Monica's house while talking on the phone with her. Rob had gone to make a late flight and was not getting there until the next day. By then, Alessa will already be at her best friends house.

Monica was really excited about Alessa agreeing to go to the concert and was rambling about it. This amused Alessa a lot, they had the same energy "Calm down, I'm excited too but do you have very clear what we're gonna do?"

"Crystal clear, this is gonna be the best experience ever. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Having her in front of us and it will be your first time" Monica squealed, she did know one part of the plan but was gonna know the second part went they got to the building.

"I'm nervous alright" Alessa whispers to herself "Anyway, see you tomorrow morning ok? Dad won't be home until the afternoon"

"Ok bye"

Rob was just setting the private yet on the auto pilot so he could check everything was ok after take off. Though somebody beat him to it and got next to him in the co pilot seat.

"Hey Mook" she said

"Hey I was just going to check up on you. I know you can get a little anxious after take off" he said

"I'm ok" she answers "You know, I have wonderful memories of New York and I'm always happy to go but sad at the same time"


"I will always want to see her in person Robert, she's our daughter" Cher said

"You know why we did this and I'm sorry if it causes you pain" Rob said

"I know and I know nothing is ever going to be the same again. We won't be what I wish we could be" Cher said

"You know how I feel" Rob told her reaching out to grab her hand

"But do you know how I feel?" Cher asked, Rob leaned in and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. She broke it and looked down, his lips landing on her forehead. She looked at him sadly "I love you Rob and I want us to be a family, all of us but that can't happen. If that can't happen, nothing can" she stood up and went back to her seat.

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