Through the good and bad

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Hi there!!! I really hope you have been liking this story. I don't know how long it will be but let's just wait and see. Sorry if the chapter is a bit boring, Enjoy!!!

Alessa and Gigi got quickly to the mansion, the girl had seen it in pictures and of course on FaceTime but she still couldn't believe it was so big. Gigi had a key so they got it, seeing Pauly pop out on their left with a glass of juice in her hand.

"Oh hey!! I heard the door open, I suspected it was you two" Pauly said greeting them in a hug

"As soon as you called, Alessa had to come" Gigi said smiling "She couldn't resist"

"I had never known her sick with me being so close and since I could come, I just had to" Alessa said "How is she"

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. Her throat hurts and she has a runny nose but the doctor gave her some meds. He said to give her lots of fluids" Pauly told them

"Well let's go" Alessa said running off to where Pauly came from

"Alessa!!! Her bedroom is this way on, in the right, that's the kitchen" Pauly said

"Oh" Alessa said shyly and ran to the right direction. Pauly and Gigi followed giggling

Cher was laid down on her bed, rubbing one Kleenex tissue after another on her nose. She looks at the door as it opened seeing Pauly showing her head.

"You have a very very special visit" she sang

"Who?" Cher asked in a raspy voice, feeling her head spin

Alessa quickly entered the room "Mommy" she called out while crawling by Cher's feet. She climbed the bed and ended up cuddling her mother's arm. This certainly took Cher by surprise but it brought her a much needed smile "I was so worried about you, I just couldn't resist and had to come"

Cher chuckled, blew her nose and sanitized her hands before caressing and kissing her daughter's head on her shoulder "I kind of suspected you would but I don't want you to catch it"

Pauly sat on the foot of the bed and handed Cher her juice "She won't, this is the first and only time I'm gonna let her be this close to you while you get better" Pauly warned, Alessa shot her an angry look "Don't give me that look, We're not letting you get sick too"

"Hey!! I came to be with her and under these circumstances I'm gonna take care of her. She has always made me feel better when I'm sick, now it's my turn" Alessa protested, Cher side hugged her tight feeling loved by her

"You better let her, like mother like daughter so she's very stubborn. I'm sure Alessa knows what she's doing" Gigi said

"So, you're gonna be new nurse huh? This ought to be fun" Cher and Alessa giggled together

"Well since Cher is in good hands, me and Gigi can get your room ready, it will be near don't worry" Pauly said and she and Gigi went out

Alessa cuddled closer to her mother "how do you really feel mom?"

"Like shit" Cher said, this made the young woman giggle

"You will get better, just let me take care of you" she said

"I'm so glad you're here baby" Cher said kissing Alessa's head again "you have no idea how many times I've dreamt that the virtual sleepovers we use to have when you were little become a reality. How many times I wished that we could've spent your birthdays together" they sighed "Which by the way, yours is coming up next month and I don't care what you say, I'm throwing you a party" Cher said playfully

"Alright fine but only because it will be our first one together" Alessa answered, her phone beeped twice, Cher looked curious "It's Monica, she's driving me insane asking how you are and asking if you're already done with the second ABBA covers album" Cher laughed but coughed after

"Well that's on its way, I can't really finish the songs when I'm sick but I will after" Cher said, this time her phone beeped

Mook: Coming over tomorrow night, takeout and wine which I know you crave when you're sick. I know Alessa's there, I just want to have a family night for once. Tell her to pick out her favorite movies, just not that I'll go. I want it to be a surprise. R

Cher smiled, he knew how to read her like a book. She was happy Rob was doing it, glad he wasn't mad that Alessa was staying with her. The young woman saw her and became curious.

"Is everything ok?" She asked

"Everything is perfect honey, specially since you're here" Cher replied

"Me too, I hope this can be a permanent thing. Maybe dad can learn to get use to it too, we can be a family again. I know you too are broken up but it was against your will. You love each other, I know it even if you deny it. We can be a family again" Alessa said

"Al, it's not as easy as it looks like. Maybe things are not what you think they are. I understand you, you're our daughter but things are complicated" Cher stated then started a coughing fit. Alessa got scared and helped her feel better

"I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean to get you all agitated" Alessa said

"It's fine, don't worry" Cher said finally recovering

"Why don't you rest for a while, you look tired" Alessa said

"I'm ok" Cher said, Alessa straighten up letting Cher's head rest on her shoulder. She started to sing a smooth tune, caressing Cher's arm. Slowly, Cher's breathing began to slow down, her eyelids felt heavy every minute. Soon enough she fell asleep in her daughter's embrace.

Moments later Pauly came to the room, seeing Cher asleep in Alessa's arms made her smile "This is he sweetest picture I've ever witness. She really looked tired, I'm glad she's resting"

"Yeah" Alessa said softly looking at Cher lovingly

"Your room is ready, it's two more doors down this wall. I stay in the next room next to this one. You'll be able to hear us both if anything happens during the night" Pauly explained

Alessa became alerted with the last part "what do you mean if anything happens?"

"She has asthma remember, it's just in case it happens during the night which sometimes it has" Pauly told her

"Right, I totally forgot about that. If I think about it, it's scary if it ever does now that I'm here" Alessa Said

"Don't worry, she can get through it" Pauly said "Are you hungry? Gigi told me you haven't eaten yet"

"Yeah but can you bring it here? I want to be here when she wakes up" Alessa asked

"Sure thing" Pauly said and went to the kitchen, she came back and started lowly chatting with Alessa while she ate. Two hours later Cher woke up feeling a little bit better. She insisted on giving Alessa a tour of the house along with Pauly. They did and Alessa was really excited, she had seen some parts of the house in pictures and video chat but she wasn't expecting the place to be the big that it was. They sat on the couch and Cher began telling her all about how she did things around. Then they started making plans with Alessa now being there and everything. The girls laughed, joked and Cher was on and off sometimes but still enjoying her daughters company. They had dinner later though Cher didn't have too much but still ate. They went to bed as they had planned their activities for the next day. Alessa called Rob and reported herself and intentionally about Cher's health then went to bed excited to start the morning.

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