The First Time

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For this chapter I beg that you comment and let me know how are you find the story. I can't see how many people are actually reading it and it's making me really nervous. I'm not the only Wattpad user that this has happened to but I just want to make sure. Thank you and enjoy!!!

Pauly and Cher were checking everything on her to do list for the show, one hour before it started. Cher couldn't work out how could she manage to change some things last minute. The staff and Jen were already warned about this and said that Pauly was gonna take care of it.

"So then at the end, you have the meet and greet with some few selected kids" Pauly stated, this was part of the plan to get Alessa and Cher face to face. In reality, it would just be a meet and greet between mother and daughter.

"How did you manage this in such a short time? And why you? Jen is the one who always does this with the producers. Besides, since when does Times Square gives M&Gs??" Cher asked

Pauly rolled her eyes, she knew Cher was gonna question her worse than an FBI agent "Would you relax, trust me on this. Because it was on such short notice, there won't be too many people so you'll be done faster"

Cher sighed "Fine"

Half an hour later, Monica and Alessa were roaming around the arena. They were both excited for the concert to start, they saw a million fans greeting each other and taking pictures. Alessa looked all around her, she felt really nervous most of all. Hoping that every part of Chaz's plan would would work.

"I wonder if Pauly's around, I've seen a lot of people on Instagram meet her" Monica said, snapping Alessa out of her thoughts

"Yeah" Alessa replied

A few moments later a voice behind then said "I would recognize the back of that hair anywhere" Monica and Alessa turned, she smiled

"Oh my god you're Pauly!!" Monica squealed

"I am, nice to meet you" Pauly said to Monica and she started trembling in excitement

"How did you know?" Alessa asked Pauly

"Easy, you have a mix of Cher in the 70s and Christina Ricci" Pauly joked, Alessa giggled

"Can we take a picture with you?" Monica asked

"Of course" Pauly said, she asked somebody nearby if the staff and stood between the women. When they were done, Pauly faced them "Ok, I'm actually here to make a special delivery" she said and gave them to m&g passes

"Oh my god I didn't know she-" Monica started squealing but Pauly shushed her

"Don't tell anyone about these, they're very exclusive. You have now idea what I had to do to make it happen. Go to the second floor and the last door on the far left of the hall. There will be a door that says "staff only", one of Cher's bodyguards will be there. Say your full name, he'll know to let you in" Pauly said to Aless, the last part in a whisper then winked at her "I have to go, see you soon" she smiled

Alessa smiled back "Thank you" she said and instinctively hugged her

"She's gonna be thrilled when she sees you" Pauly whispers in Alessa's ear, that made them hug tighter, when they broke apart, Paulette gave her a reassuring smile and walked away

"Ok? I don't understand what happened" Monica said confused, at that moment the lights went black and Alessa reacted

"It doesn't matter, we got m&g passes!!!" Alessa whispered excitedly as the music started "And she's starting, come on!!" Alessa grabbed Monica's arm and ran to their seats. The two laughed and danced through the music and songs. Alessa was really excited, she had her mother just meters from her. Cher did her monologue and when she got to telling about the night she met Rob, Alessa smiled. She loved hearing the story but felt bad about how things turned out. The women were enjoying themselves the whole time. When the performance was over, Alessa was more hyped up than ever. It was time to meet her mother in person and that made her nervous. They got to the door Pauly directed them and saw the bodyguard at the door.

"Huh? There's no line" Monica noticed

Before approaching the guard, Alessa stopped Monica and grabbed her by her shoulders "Listen to me, what you're about to hear and what's about to happen you have to promise me take it to your grave. That means not telling a soul, Monica you are my best friend and I trust you. Understand?" She said

"I promise but I don't understand anything" Monica said confused

Alessa grabbed her hand and dragged her to the guard, he looked at them and the woman spoke "Alessa Camilletti Sarkisian" the guy nodded and slowly opened the door while pushing then in.

Monica had a confused face "Ok I'm even more confused now" she said looking around seeing that the room was mildly empty. The place looked like every m&g but without a crew.

Out of nowhere they saw Pauly approach "Hello again girls, she's almost here. Are you ready ready?" She asked, mainly to Alessa

"I got jitters" Monica said

"And you Al?" Pauly asked

"To be honest, I'm scared" she said softly

"She loves you Alessa, she's gonna be so happy to have you in her arms again" Pauly told her and gave her a kiss on the head. This helped Alessa calm down and smile.

The sound of the door made them look at it seeing Jen appear. Pauly squeezed Alessa's hand before going to the door. Finally, Cher appeared and Alessa's heart started racing. She began to get emotional, Cher looked at her and went into shock. Pauly smiled the whole time until they were close enough to touch but both were afraid to do it.

"Oh my god" Cher said having her eye water

"Hi mom, I'm here" Alessa said, Monica's eyes went wide since she didn't know until now.

"Alessa" Cher sobbed and they instantly went into each other's arms crying "I can't believe this, how are you here? Rob-" Cher began

"Doesn't know that we're here, Monica convinced me to come and Chaz and Pauly helped me to get to see you" Alessa explained

"So this was the so called meet and greet" Cher said to Pauly and she nodded "Thank you" she said smiling

"Thank Chaz, it was his idea, I just made it possible" Pauly said

"We talked it over the day we had lunch" Alessa added

Cher turned to Monica "you must be my daughter's best friend, I hear you're a fan" she said

"Yes and don't worry, your secret is safe with me" Monica reassures

Cher looked into Alessa's eyes once again, she caressed her daughter's face still not believing she was touching her "I can't believe it, You are so much like me. Taking a risk like this, Rob is gonna kill us"

"I think it's worth it, I've been wanting to touch you my whole life" Alessa said

"And I've been wanting to hold you your whole life baby girl" Cher said

"Let's take some pictures shall we??" Pauly suggested so they did, one with the two women and one with only Alessa and Cher "Monica let's give them a moment alone" with that they went outside and mother and daughter were left alone.

They hugged again and sat on the floor "I know I took a big risk but I wanted to see you, I don't want to get you into trouble if something gets out" Alessa said

Cher held her hand tight, calming her down "You won't but that is what your dad won't understand. I am an expert in keeping things private but at the same time I don't want to neglect you with people. At interviews, I don't want to mention just two children, I want to mention all three. I want to personally share my goals with you like I do with your brothers. Rob doesn't understand that because he still can't deal with what happened to us. I get that because I don't want for you to deal with what we dealt with"

"But i can, it's part of my job and I know how it can be. It's so unfair to me because what happened was way before me" Alessa cried

"I know, I'm sorry Al" Cher said pulling her into her embrace "I wish everything could be different"

Cher was brushing her fingers through Alessa's hair when Pauly rushed in making the women straighten up "Girls, we have a problem. Rob's here"

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