And So It Begins

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This chapter was suppose to be up for Cher's birthday but I had no idea of what to write. I'm sorry for the delay but quarantine has my brain fried. I'm a bit skeptical about this one, I don't know if it's any good but I hope you'll like it. Enjoy!!!

Before Rob left, he had given Alessa her camera and a few more things she owed. It made her very happy, this way she could add touches of her own to her room. The rest of the week Cher was recovering nicely, she was stronger and her voice was getting better. Alessa was helping her work on the music video for the Spanish version of Chiquita. Jen had found some places nearby and some girls to appear in the video. Mother and daughter were working together of this, it felt good to do it.

They were in Cher's office, looking at pictures of different parks and places. Cher stared at Alessa who was looking at the pictures "It feels so good that we are working together" Cher said softly, her voice full of admiration.

Alessa looked at her mother before smiling "It does, I love it. I love being with you"

Cher reached out to her to squeeze her hand "I love being with you too sweetheart. Having you here and getting to know you more than I already do is better than anything else in the world"

"I know, I feel the same. It has been a dream since forever to see you and touch you every day. To spend real time with you and share special moments of what each of us do" Alessa added

"You know, I have a confession to make" Cher said, Alessa looked puzzled "You know how things were with Chaz before. I always wanted a daughter and when he was little I could do things for him but as he grew everything changed, it didn't seem right anymore. I couldn't force him to be something he wasn't comfortable with. The days when he came out we're a struggle but now I'm used to him. When you came along, all the hopes I had with Chaz returned. It totally broke me when your dad had to take you away. I agreed because at the time, it was really hard for all of us. I went into depression because my dreams with you were shattered. I saw you grow up through pictures and video chat. That wasn't right, it never felt like it because we couldn't go shopping together and I taught you everything through a screen. It felt awkward because I wasn't physically there in those moments when i wanted nothing more than that. Now I have you here, things can change, we can make it change" Cher said

Alessa was speechless for a moment, still processing what Cher just said "Wh-what about your career?? I don't want to make the wrong move. What about the tabloids?? I wouldn't forgive myself if I ruin everything"

Cher's face dropped in worry "No honey no, you won't ruin everything. I'll guide you every step of the way. You might know the press hustle but not really after you go through it yourself. It will be difficult but we have the entire family behind us. Everything is gonna be ok"

"I'm a little scared, I've always been hidden and coming to the light as your daughter will be huge. You are huge as it is so will be every news, specially this one. I'm scared I'm not gonna fit into your circle. I know some people but only professionally. I haven't had a full conversation with them, they're your friends-" Alessa was clearly nervous, she rambled as Cher does when she is nervous.

"Al, you will do great, everyone will love you as you are. Meryl already does and so will everybody else. You'll see that we can conquer everything as long as we do it together" Cher said

"You're right, we can do this together. Besides, we have been waiting for this long enough" Alessa said smiling, Cher nodded "Hey, I like this location for the video. This park has a beautiful scenery for what we have in mind"

Cher saw the excitement in Alessa's eyes "Wanna go take a look?" She said

"Yes!! I'll go get my camera!!" The young woman said then ran out of the room. Both of them got changed, Cher put on a disguise and went with her driver.

Once they got there, Cher told the security people to stay in the car. She put on her biggest glasses, got her hair in a bun and out the door with her daughter behind. They met with Jen moments later and started to look around. The park wasn't fully filled with people so there was no one who could recognize her. Alessa took a few pictures of the surroundings, made a few notes and sat on a swing set to view them. Cher saw her deep in thought and kneeled in front of her.

"Chiquitita tell me what's wrong?" She sang, Alessa looked at her before giggling Cher did the same after.

"I was just thinking, it's nice to do this. Reminds me of the dreams I use to have when I was little. I would be at a swing like this, dad would push me and you would be taking pictures or videos of us" Alessa said, Cher's eyes sparkled

"Oh baby" Cher said before hugging her "We May not have gotten to do that then but we can do other things now. And to make it clear, I wouldn't only take pictures but swing beside you" they laughed at that. Cher took Alessa's hands with hers, Alessa squeezed them.

"You're right, I just... it's just that I pictured a family with you, me and dad but I know that's impossible" She said

Cher smiled before saying "I see a lot of pictures of me and Rob that fans post on twitter and Instagram. Even they know he is always gonna be the love of my life and want us together. Al, I-" Cher was cut of by Jen trotting towards them

"We gotta move, I just saw cameras around and I think people are starting to recognize you" Jen told them

"Shit" Cher blurted out, both women quickly stood up and held hands. Cher pulled Alessa to walk fast to the car. She looked around and saw a few cameras getting closer. Cher didn't know at what grounds but she knew it was gonna get out.

Once they got in the car, still holding hands they looked at each other. Alessa was the first to say "Who knows, maybe I'm gonna be a mystery woman like Pauly was" they laughed at that as the driver started the car to go home.

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