Cher's daughter

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Chaz got out of the car first, then he helped Pauly out. The next out was Alessa and finally Cher, the camera's started flashing nonstop when Chaz had Alessa and Cher on each arm with Pauly following behind. A lot of questions came to rise as soon as they reached the reporters. Cher didn't want to hide her daughter, when the reporters asked for a photo and names she said her name and two of her children.

More questions came to the photographers minds but she didn't give any explanation. There came a moment where Cher did an interview and the reporter asked who she was with.

"You know, as a mother is a good thing to share these kinds of things with my children. Specially my youngest" she said signaling to Alessa, getting a smile from her "I want to give her a good example by bringing her here. Sadly, Elijah couldn't come but it's a good opportunity for us" the reporters eyes widened when Cher said Alessa was her daughter. Before she could say anything else, the three were ushered away.

The event started and the venue was amazing. Alessa was fascinated by everything, she met a lot of environmental influences and friends of Cher. When the host started to talk about the cause, Alessa was deeply moved. Specially when he talked about Cher's involvement, she felt proud of her mother. When it was Chers turn to make a speech, the young woman's heart melted even more. She was loving the example her mother was giving to the world and to her. By the time it came for them to leave the event, more reporters and photographers were there. News travels fast and when they heard that Cher had a daughter, the press wanted answers to their questions.

"Well, we knew this would happen" Cher said

"I'm already checking online and the news of Cher's daughter had been on since we were inside. What are we gonna do Cheralina?" Pauly said

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" Alessa blurted out, she was getting really anxious

"Al calm down, we knew this would happen" Chaz said

"Alright, Pauly and Chaz you two go get help from security so they can escort us and we can get out of here" Cher instructed and they disappeared "Al, look at me" she said taking both her hands "You can do this. Before we go outside, Pauly and Chaz are gonna be shielding us. The security men are gonna be all around us but you'll be protected.
We are gonna be together and I'm gonna hold your hand. I promise not to let go until we are safe inside the car ok? You are strong, we are strong together" Alessa nodded then moments later Chaz and Pauly came back with more people following.

All the security shielded Chaz, Cher and Alessa while Pauly stood close by also shielded. They hurried and as soon as they stepped out, the cameras were flashing like crazy. All the reporters bombarded them with questions.

"Is this young woman really your daughter?" One asked but she only nodded

"How long would you have kept her hidden?" Another said but no comment was made, they just kept walking

"Who's the father?" Another asked, the question got answered by itself when another black car parked behind Cher's and Rob popped out.

He hadn't changed a bit over the years, except for the grey hair. The reporters immediately recognized him. Of course the surprise was inevitable.

"Al!!!" He shouted behind the door

Alessa desperately looked at her mother, Cher gave her a sweet smile caressing her cheek "Go with him" she whispered, Alessa's eyes began to water. She didn't want to leave her mother in the middle of this chaos. Cher smiled at her and kissed her head but she couldn't argue before Cher commanded to the security guards "get her through" they obey and grabbed Alessa to get her to Rob safely.

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