Operation escape

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Not sure how this one will turn out, I'm a bit hesitant, enjoy!!!

The next day was the day Alessa would say goodbye to her normal life and be the daughter of the famous singer Cher. She had called work saying she had a family emergency and had to take some time off. Rob had left to do some flights, Alessa was still not speaking to him but he tried. Monica got there with what Alessa had ask her and set up the new phone. She texted Chaz and he emailed her the plane tickets for that afternoon. Monica and Alessa got everything she needed set up and later headed to the airport. Chaz called Pauly to tell her what they were doing.

"She what??!!!" Pauly accidentally exclaimed, Cher looked at her strange but she smiled and went to the back of the plane "Why on earth would you all do that?"

"Pauly she just wants to be with mom, it was about time she did this. Alessa has the right to make her own decisions. Besides, maybe some time with mom, if everything works out, it will make Rob come to his senses" Chaz said

Pauly sighed "Maybe but that's gonna be hard, though Cher would finally feel complete" she paused "you know what I mean"

"Yeah I know and you're right, she deserves this" Chaz collected his thoughts before saying "look, it will work out and Alessa will adapt just fine. Even when it gets out"

"I hope so, should I tell Cher? She's gonna flip out" Pauly asked

"That's up to you, I have to go but if you tell her let me know" Chaz told her, Pauly agreed and they hung up

Pauly went back to her seat in front of Cher and she eyed her "What's going on?" Cher asked

"You have to know something" Pauly said

5 hours later Alessa arrived at the airport in Malibu. She had texted Elijah before and after the flight so he could be there when she arrived. Said and done, Elijah was right there at the entrance waiting for her. Alessa's smile brightened and she ran to him, threw herself so hard in him arms, he ended up carrying her. She loved both her brothers equally, just in different ways. Chaz was the advice giving and protector type. Elijah was the one who always took her clubbing and parting. When he put her down, he looked at her and smiled giving her a side hug. They talked as they walked to the car.

"How are you little sister?" Elijah asked

"First of all, why are you wearing that cap" She asked

"Because of the paparazzi, if they saw me and the way you came to me, they would think you were my girlfriend" he joked

"Ew gross" she teased

"Ok you were saying?"

"Right, second, by now dad must have figured out I'm gone and third of all, I'm a little scared" Alessa admitted

"Everything will be ok, mom will be pissed at first but she has you close so that will make her happy" Elijah said

"She will give me shit about this for sure when she calls me" Alessa said

"We'll see" he said

"Hey did you talk to grandma and aunt Gigi? I haven't had the chance to talk to either of them in a while" She asked

"Yeah I did and they went crazy when I told her  what you were doing but she will welcome you of course" Elijah said, she smiled "You have never seen grandma in person right?"

"No and I'm so nervous, aunt Gigi I see like three times a year and she tells me a lot about her" Alessa told him

"Relax, she loves you, they both do. There's nothing to be nervous about. Grandma is a cool grandma" he joked

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