Slowly towards the light

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I hope this is any good, please let me know. Enjoy!!!

Cher woke up with a little more energy the next morning but still couldn't speak properly. She was coughing during the night and that made Alessa nervous. Pauly woke up first and left Cher to take a morning shower and get ready for breakfast. Alessa woke up just as Cher was heading to the kitchen. The young women took a shower before heading to breakfast. Cher was now the kitchen waiting for her food to be made. She was in the middle of a call with Meryl Streep who was suppose to come over.

"I'm sorry I have to cancel on you for the session Mary Louise, I'm not feeling too well. I can barely speak let alone sing" Cher told her almost above a whisper, Pauly shot her a confused look

"It's fine, I'm still coming over to see how your doing. If it's ok" Meryl said

"So you weren't the one singing in the shower this morning??" Pauly asked whispering, Cher shook her head

Just as Pauly was saying that, Alessa came into the kitchen "Oh sorry, that was me Pauly" Alessa whispered

"Wow you sound just like Cher" Pauly told her

Cher raised her eyebrows then an idea came to her "Meryl? I think you can do the session after all. I'll explain when you come over"

"Ok? See you soon" Meryl said and hung up

Alessa looked at her mother confused, Pauly caught on and smiled "Oh God this is gonna be so exciting" Pauly said clapping excitedly

"Meryl? As in Meryl Streep? She's my all time favorite actress" Cher gave her a 'Really' look, Alessa chuckled "Well second, I can't believe I'm gonna see her. I did a photo shoot for her but didn't directly talk to her. Mother what are you planning?" Alessa said

"Well this time you will properly meet her, sweetie you sound just like me. Maybe not that much but Dan can fix that" Cher explained

"Whoa hold it, this is for your album isn't it?" Alessa asked, Cher nodded then the young girl spaced out "I'm gonna sing with Meryl Streep for Dancing Queen 2. I can already guess what song it is, oh my god" she breath in disbelief to herself. Pauly and Cher chuckled amused

"Come on, eat breakfast. Meryl is gonna be here at noon" Pauly said, Alessa did as told with a smile on her face.

A while later Cher took Alessa downstairs to the home recording studio when Dan, the producer, got there. She instructing Alessa on what keys she was confortable singing in that went according with the tune. Pauly filmed them practicing but of she didn't post them. Alessa and Cher really sounded almost exactly the same so Dan didn't have to do much in the arrangement. Close to noon, Alessa went to get a bottle of water from the fridge when the doorbell rang. She knew exactly who it was so she ran to answer it before Pauly did.

She opened the door and her eyes sparkled when seeing Meryl. The older woman was a bit confused "Oh um hi" Meryl greeted

"Hi, my name is Alessa you probably don't remember me but I'm so excited to properly introduce myself and for you to be here. Of course you can come in" She rambled, stepping aside

"Sure!! I remember you, you did my photo shoot in women's history month for the museum" Meryl said nervously coming inside

"Oh My God, you remember!! I admire your work so much. You're amazing and my favorite actress" Alessa told her

"Don't let Cher hear you say that" Pauly chuckled approaching them "Hey Meryl" she greeted with a kiss on the cheek

"Hey" Meryl turned to Alessa again "So are you gonna take pictures of the session?"

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