If I Could Turn Back Time

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Been having a really hard time with myself lately and the delays have been longer than expected. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting but I can't promise it won't happen again in the future. This is the penultimate chapter of the story. Enjoy!!!

Cher and Rob we're cuddling on the living room sofa when they heard the door open and shut close. They looked at each other in concern knowing Alessa's day hadn't gone well. The young woman locked herself in her room and threw herself in the bed. Her head on the pillow and crying.

Cher and Rob had gotten to the door and knocked "Al!! Can we come in??" Asked Rob

"No!! Go away!!" Alessa shouted

"Al?? You got the special treatment didn't you??" Cher said softly, Rob looked at her in doubt

Alessa sighed, unlocked the door and sat on her bed with her head down. Cher and Rob came in, he sat beside her and Cher at the foot of the bed.

"Honey I'm so sorry" Cher said

Alessa sat between her parents but was too upset to look at them, she was ashamed to say what she was thinking. She looked at her mother and said it anyway "You're famous, it's the life you've always wanted and I can't blame you for that. I just wish people wouldn't take advantage of that and of my profession because of it"

Cher looked at her with worry "I know honey, some people are pigs but that's how their business keeps things in place. Unfortunately for us"

"This is why I didn't want you anywhere near the media and was against you becoming a photographer. Then again, you always found a way to pursue it and it got to a point where I couldn't stop you" Rob said

"When we were in New York, no one knew who I was. I got reviewed because of my talents and wasn't asked about specific special articles. That is what I'm looking for in my career" Alessa said

"Do you want to go back??" Cher said looking down at her hands "You could return to your life there without having to deal with any tabloids and the media circus" Rob and her daughter looked at her

"Cher are you nuts? What about the things you've said about being a family. What about us?" Rob said

"We can do the same as before but different in some ways" Cher suggested

"Mom, the whole point of me being here is so that we can be a family. I'm not gonna break that, I'm not gonna accept another separation. After everything I did? not a chance" Alessa argued

"Sweetie, I want to protect you and right now you are not protected. You don't deserve all the scandal that has been going on. For me, it's part of my weekly routine but it's effecting you in a way I didn't want to. I can't let that happen to you" Cher explained

"But I want to be able to see you and be with you" Alessa whimpers, her eyes crystal wet

Cher caressed her daughters face "And you will, just not the same as it has been since you've been here" she said giving a sad smile

"Let's talk about it later ok? You must be tired and need to rest" Rob said, Al nodded.

The three hugged but moments later Alessa left Rob's arms and hugged Cher tighter than ever "I love you so much mom"

Cher was teared up by this and hugged her even tighter "I love you more baby girl, everything is gonna be ok" they parted, Cher kissed her on the head.

Rob got up to let Alessa lie down and Cher followed soon after. They went to their room and cuddled each other on the bed "Cher you are not really thinking of doing what you said, are you??" Rob asked her

She looked up at him, her eyes saddened "I actually am"

"Cher no, please don't do this to us. You can't" Rob pleaded

"Mook, there is a lot going on since she's been here and I don't want her to put pressure in herself. Besides, because of me she can't get a job here and I can't get in the way of her life" Cher said

"Cher you're her mother, you're suppose to be by her side and guide her through this" Rob told her

"All I'm doing is making her life difficult. Who knows what could happen after this, I don't want her to get hurt" Cher said

"She was hurt because she didn't have you, are you really gonna take yourself away from her?" Rob said

"I'm trying to do what's best for her Robert" Cher said

"I know, I am too but at this cost? The cost of being apart again? It's like the 80s all over" He said

"Mooky I don't know if this separation will be a short or long term thing but it won't be the same. At least Alessa will be safe back in New York. She will be around a familiar atmosphere. Nothing will change between you and me, you can stay here. Since she doesn't need to hide anything anymore, she can move as she pleases. Alessa knows how to take care of herself and she can live in her apartment again"

"I don't know, I don't want to leave her" Rob said

"Babe, our little girl is all grown up. She has to have a life, a normal life" Cher told him, Rob nodded understandably "I'll go talk to her and see what she thinks" With that, she stood up and went to Alessa's room. Cher found her daughter cross legged on her bed, using her phone.

Alessa looked up at her mother when Cher sat down and instantly fell on her lap "I'm scared, I want to have a normal life like the one I had before but I want to be by your side. I know if I do, what happened today will happen again"

Cher sighed "Remember what we talked about earlier? If you want to, you still can. Alessa you are 32 years old, you have to live on own. It's the way of life, your father is stubborn but I convinced him to stay here with me and you can go back to your apartment in New York. You know he and I want to get back together in secret. If it's for your own good, then you have to stay away from the spotlight and back at your normal life"

"That's great for you two but I don't want to leave you" Alessa said hugging her mother

"Honey you have to be more independent, just because you will be living on your own doesn't mean you will leave me" Cher said caressing her "You can come come whenever you want now that you won't have to hide who you are. As for your work, you can come and go and in New York they know you better for who you are. Not for being the daughter of a famous singer"

Alessa stood up and looked Cher in the eyes "I want you to be happy and ok, are you sure you will if I go?" She said

Cher smiled then caress her cheek making Alessa lean to the touch "I want the same for you and if you are happy then I'm sure I will be. Besides, when everything blows over you decide if you want to come back" Alessa nodded and hugged her.

A week later, Alessa was all ready and packed for her return to her apartment in New York. The family was all there to say goodbye, Rob was gonna fly her to New York and Monica was gonna help her get settled. She hugged and kiss everyone goodbye while Rob was taking her luggage to the car. When she got to her mother, they hugged they cried

"I love you mom" she said

"I love you more Alessa" Cher said in tears and hand in hand they walked to the car where Rob was waiting.

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