Chapter 20

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Seven Months Later

"Alright everyone, you need to have this assignment turned in by tonight okay? If you have any questions then please feel free to email me, and I will respond as soon as possible. Class dismissed." My students immediately got up and packed them and left class. 

"Ms. Cane?" 

"Yes?" I turned and I instantly smiled when I saw who it was. 

"Mr. Roberts, how are you this afternoon?" I asked him as he continued to walk in. 

"Oh you know, same old, same old. What are you wanting to eat for lunch?" He leaned against the desk in the front row and smirked at me. 

"I already told you, Teddy, I'm not dating right now." 

I started getting my coursework ready for the next class. But he just sat there staring at me. 

"It's just lunch." I hated to admit the offer was tempting but I couldn't say yes. There was no way I could say yes. 

"Maybe another time." I gave him a soft smile and he gave up and walked out of the classroom. I mean he was a handsome man, and he was nice and caring he was all the things that I could ask for. But I told myself moving here that I was going to focus on myself and put love on the back burner. 

 After I left the castle I moved to town and become a substitute teacher at one of the High Schools here. I got an apartment and a car, that was the only thing that I used Damon's card for. Then after that, I cut it up threw it away, and made my own living. Honestly, this life felt right for me, I was happy. I even got a dog. I was truly happy, and finally at peace. 

I had barely spoken to anyone back at the packhouse, But I didn't want to, either way, I put all of that behind me. The only information I got about what was going on was through the news and through what my mother would tell me. 

Apparently, Tyler had some giant plan in trying to win the crown back. Layla and Trey led the team in defeating the rogues and fighting him off. The pack is officially safe. Yet there was no word of when Damon was coming back or if he was coming back. I really didn't want to care, but part of me still did. 

 It was finally the end of the day and I was headed back to my apartment to cook dinner. Apparently, my roommate was inviting people over for dinner and just told me. I walked into the house and she was playing loud music and running around like a maniac. I heard four feet running towards me and I looked down and I saw the love of my life. 

"Hello, there baby." I picked up my dog and immediately showered him in kisses.

 "How was your day, puppy?" 

"Put the dog down and get ready! We don't have time!" Sarah yelled at me as she continued to run back and forth. 

"Okay, what's going on? Aren't we cooking?" I asked her confused and setting down Romeo. 

"Yeah we were, and then we got invited on a double date so you need to get dressed." 

"A double what? No. Sarah, I told you that I'm not dating." I huffed in annoyance and walked to my room. 

I met Sarah my second day being in the city,  and she was so nice and she offered me her extra room. She introduced me to all of her friends and took me out. Honestly made me feel so welcomed. I was so appreciative of her. 

"It's not for you. It's for me. He said he would only go if I brought a friend along. Apparently, his buddy is back from a trip and wanted to hang out with him. So the only way we could keep our plans is if he joined and I bring someone." 

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