Chapter 1

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I winced as I sat up, my pale fingertips holding my wound that leaked a dull golden liquid...

"Damn you... DAMN YOU!!!" I screamed, wincing as I glared up at the gray sky.

My wings had been mangled, sure they were functional, but that doesn't mean I was going to be flying ANY time soon...

The once glistening... white feathers, had turned to a jet, midnight black... the tips looked to have a golden glow...

Slowly, I tucked my wings into my back, the large features soon disappearing as if they weren't even there.

I slowly brushed my (h/c) hair over my shoulder, letting out heavy breaths.

Looking forward, my gaze was dragged to a faint, yet glowing, object in the dirt..

Sticking out my hand, I whispered silently, "...return".

The object came flying towards me, landing on my fingertips, that twitched at the contact.

It was just as I guessed.

My halo

Sighing, I threw the object into the air, allowing it to disintegrate. Though, it was still there, just... you couldn't see it.

My hands stretched across the dirt, digging into it as I attempted to get to my feet. Eventually, I managed to actually stand..! Only to have to grip a tree for support...

"I... I need to find civilization..." I breathed, slowly beginning to make my way through the forest.

I eventually reached a gravel road, limping slightly as I held my arm in pain.

"This is such bullshit... I do one thing wrong and suddenly I am some sort of goddamn... cast away..." I trailed off, letting out a grunt as I gripped my stomach...

I looked down, letting out a groan as my blood began to seep through my tank top.

"Fuck..." Whispering, I gently sat down, I ripped my jeans, turning them into shorts as I teared up the fabric with my sharpened teeth.

Slowly, I wrapped the fabric around my torso and arms, standing once more with a sigh.

I continued trudging forward, wincing every now and then as my wound began to heal itself.

Shivering, I looked up at the sky, "Damn it... it's getting dark quickly..."

My pace quickened, my (h/c) hair flowing behind me as I called out, "Hello? Is anyone there?!"

I was slowly beginning to panic.

What if I can't find shelter? What if I can't find food?! What if-

I stopped upon hearing voices call back to me.

"OVER HERE!!!" A boy yelled, instantly making me turn and walk towards that direction.

"Where are you?!" I responded, only to hear him scream for help.

I stiffened, why would he be calling for help?

'Guess there's only one way to find out...'

Painfully, I ran in the direction of the scream, my body only seeming to be a flash to the human eye.

My lungs burned and my throat was dry, but I kept going.

Once I had found the source of the voice, I was met with a shocking sight.

A boy lied there, his limbs torn and his clothes ripped...

But that wasn't what was shocking

A tall man stood before him, his glasses in front of his none existent eyes.

'THAT is for trespassing and stealing from my store, you-'

"Excuse me..?" I whispered, instantly making him snap his head in my direction.

'Who are you, how did you get here?'  He growled, 'Answer me, you filthy being'

'How is he talking..?'

I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "Look, it's not my fault I look like this!! Hell, if I had the strength, I would run to the nearest clothing store and buy all that I could!! So don't even start with me right now, because I have had one shitty day!!!"

I was about to continue, but let out a cry instead, arching over in pain as my wound opened up once more.

Maybe, I shouldn't have ran.

Blood seeped through my lips and down my chin, causing the male to tilt his head.

'You bleed... gold..?'  He 'mumbled', approaching me slowly, but I just jumped back.

"Stay away from-AGH!!" I screamed, collapsing to the ground as blood ran down my legs.

The male was suddenly right at my side, staring at me as I stiffened, looking back at him with wide (f/c) eyes.

'... You're not human...'  He 'whispered', instantly making me roll away from him and up to my feet.

He stood as well, but stayed silent, simply staring at me once more.

Then, he suddenly appeared in front of me and grabbed my shoulders, causing me to let out a yelp and try to push him away.

But, his grip didn't even loosen a little.

My struggling began to die down, and my body grew numb as he continued to hold me in place... static surrounding us.

'Calm... down...'

"I-I can't... no... I r-refuse to let you... kill me...!" I groaned, my vision growing hazy as I dragged my gaze up to his blank, paper-like, face.

Then... darkness...

((This went waaaaaaaaaayy to fast...))

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