Chapter 2

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My struggling began to die down, and my body grew numb as he continued to hold me in place... static surrounding us.

'Calm... down...'

"I-I can't... no... I r-refuse to let you... kill me...!" I groaned, my vision growing hazy as I dragged my gaze up to his blank, paper-like, face.

Then... darkness...


My eyelids twitched before flying open, a loud gasp escaping my lips as I shot up.

The tan covers rolled off my-wait, what?

I looked around the gray and white room, my legs escaping the warm sheets...

"W-Where am I..?"

As soon as my feet touched the floor, I looked down, my eyebrow arching in confusion.

A pair of black short-shorts and white tank-top hugged my skin, my wounds patched, and my body clean.

My eyes widened, and I instantly went into panic mode.

"Who the fuck changed me?!?!" I whisper yelled, jumping to my feet and rounding the bed towards the door at the front of the room.

But, I then stopped, my eyes widening even more, if possible. I stepped back and looked over at... a photo with a silver frame that hung on the wall.

"What..?" I started at the photograph, curiosity and fear skimming over my other senses.

It was the tall male I had seen in the forest... but... there were-

'I see you're awake'

I jumped, looking over at the door as it closed behind the tall man.

"W-Where am I? Who are you? WHO THE FUCK CHANGED ME?!?!" I yelled, narrowing my eyes as he chuckled.

'Calm down, you're at my mansion, and my name is Trendorman... but just call me Trendor'

"And, who changed me?" I trailed off, crossing my arms as I leaned forward slightly, "Hm?"

'Oh, well, I did... but since your undergarments were undamaged, I didn't see anything'

My eye twitched, my fists curling up as a heavy blush spread across my cheeks.

"You... did... WHAT?!?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THA-" He instantly put his hands over my mouth, causing my voice to be muffled.

'Calm down, I only wanted to help you..!'

My muffled yelling stopped, and I just simply... stared, trying to figure out whether he meant what he was saying... BUT IT'S KIND OF HARD TO DO THAT WHEN HE HAS NO FUCKING FACE!!!

'He can't be telling the truth!! He killed that guy back there, why wouldn't he kill me?! GREAT!! First I fucking fall down from the heavens and I'm already going to die!! Well, whooped de do dah!! Lets get to it!!'

I was brought out of my daze by the sound of stifled laughter.

"Whaf's fo fuphny?!" I questioned into his hand, growing quietly.

He chuckled, shaking his head as he removed his hand.

'Nothing, nothing, now... I set some clothes out for you on the bed, please get dressed then come downstairs... we need to talk'

Slowly, I nodded, but then yelped as he disappeared right before my eyes.

"How does he do that..?" I mumbled, then shook my head.

I looked at myself in the mirror, smiling slightly, "Not bad..."

A white summer dress, that rested just above my knees, flowed flawlessly as I spun. The white lace sleeves wrapping around my arms tightly, but comfortably.

((Photo at the top of the page))

I slipped on the white heels that rested beside the bed, then fixed my (h/c) hair to perfection.

"Alright... lets do this..." I breathed, walking over to the door before opening it widely.

Stepping out into the plain hall, I shut the door behind me, "Now... where do I need to go again..? Right... he said downstairs..."

Once I finally had found the stairs and made my way down, I was in awe.

There was no way to describe it... except...

"This place is beautiful..." I whispered, my eyes scanning over the place as a small smile came to my lips.

Then, I turned upon hearing quiet talking, my eyebrow arching in confusion.

Slowly, I crept around the corner and was met with... them.

All of them, from the picture, sat in the living room... talking..?

"M-Mr. Trendor..?" I whispered, instantly making them turn to me.

I yelped, not used to all the attention, a red hue spreading across my cheeks.

'There you are, I thought you would have ran off by now'

He chuckled, as my sassy demeanor returned, and my arms crossed.

"Oh please, I doubt running off would be an option with the state I'm in, Mr. Trendor" I spoke with a hum, leaning against the doorway.

'We have something we must discuss with you..?'

"(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n), I would have told you earlier if you hadn't scared me half to death" I chuckled, walking over to his side as he stood.

"Oh... and thanks for the outfit..." I mumbled, rubbing my arm shyly as the other males stared at me curiously.

'It's alright, it looks nice on you, but right now... sit' 

I did as instructed and sat down, all of them doing the same. The other four sat across from me, while Trendor sat at my side, looking over at me with a hum.

'(Y/n), we would like to know what you are, and what happened the other night when you collapsed'

I looked over at the tall male in the suit, nodding, "Well... I'm not exactly sure what I am anymore... maybe you can tell me..?"

'Well, we can't exactly tell you anything if you don't even-'

'Brother'  Trendor growled, then looked over at me with a serious 'expression'.

'You said earlier that you fell from the heavens... does that mean your an angel..? I know it sounds-'

"WAS, I WAS an angel..." I growled, "But then that little son of a bitch decided I might as well be Lucifer's daughter"

I pointed up at the ceiling as I spoke, referring to the man upstairs with a scowl on my face.

Coming up to my feet once more, I shut my eyes and held my hand into the air.


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