Chapter 15

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Just before the door shut, I could see Slender's shoulders bounce slightly. Bringing a small smile to my face.


Offender carried me all around the mansion. It was a little embarrassing at first, but I eventually got used to it.

"-but what if they slip under your arm, or run away?"

"They can't. The rose's enchantment prevents them from turning away"

"So, it's like, instant death?" I questioned, while he sent me a smirk.

"Here, I'll show you" He set me down onto my feet before reaching into his pocket.

He pulled out two roses. The one he held in his left was a dazling (f/c) rose. It's petals glistening as the light above us brightened. Then the rose in his right hand was simply a classic Scarlett, but that didn't make it any less beautiful.

"Try to turn away" He said, smirking as a bead of sweat formed on my forehead.

I tried to look away, I really did, but I just couldn't!!

He chuckled, shaking his head as he returned the red rose back to its original place.

But instead of placing the (f/c) rose in his pocket with the Scarlett flower, he leaned forwards and gently pulled my hair back... tucking the rose behind my ear. After doing so, he straightened his posture and examined his small work with a smirk.

I broke out of my daze and smiled, "Thank you... it's beautiful"

His smirk shifted to a smile, but not his usual mischievous, evil grin. But instead a genuine, caring, toothy smile!!

I wrapped my arms around his torso, giggling as he stiffened.

"You're so tense" I snickered, looking up at him.

"I've never been touched by a woman who doesn't crave sex" He answered blankly, staring back down at me.

"Uhm... well, if it makes you uncomfortable..." I was about to back off, but he lifted me off the ground before I could.

"Nono, I like it, after all-" His tendrils lifted me onto his shoulders, his hand setting his fedora on my head in the process, "You ARE my little sister~"

"You really like saying that, don't you?" He nodded as a response before teleporting downstairs.

Splendor looked over from his conversation with Sally, his eyes widening at the sight before him.

When I looked around, I noticed that the CPs in the room had the same reaction.

"Brother... what are you doing..?" Splendor mumbled, approaching us slowly.

"Carrying the kiddo, why?" I smiled, waving at Sally as he spoke.

She didn't wave back, she just... stared in shock.

Splendor narrowed his eyes, his hands instantly grabbing his brother's shoulders. He pulled him close, causing me to nearly fall, but Offender's tendrils caught me once more.

"Why? WHY?! BECAUSE YOU KNOW MY CAMERA IS BROKEN AND I CANT TAKE A PICTURE!!!!" Splendor sobbed, yelling why as he sunk down onto his knees.

I blinked in confusion, looking down at Offender as he stared back up at me.

Shrugging, I slipped off of his shoulders and rounded over to his younger (( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )) brother.

I crouched down, patting the ender's back with a giggle.

He jumped slightly at the contact, but calmed once he realized it was just me.

Sally came to my side, frowning as she watched Splendor sob dramatically.


He shot up with a grin, "Yes Sally?"

"JESUS" I yelped, recoiling before resting my hand on my chest.

The two giggled at my reaction, while Offender shook his head.

Lifting myself off the ground, I sighed, "Anywho-"

I looked over at the CPs, who were still staring at us, trying their hardest not to laugh.

I would have flipped them off, but 1.) a child is present, and 2.) so is Splendor. And I don't know about you, but I think I'd prefer to AVOID that.

So, all I did was roll my eyes and turn back to the three beside me.

I opened my mouth to speak, but was quickly interrupted by a knock. Everyone looked over as the door slowly was pushed forwards, their confused faces falling to blank expressions, while Splendor and I smiled.

"Oh, hello Tender and..." Splendor looked behind the waiter, his eyes widening with his grin as he stood abruptly, "Surrender?!"

Offender grinned, but his 'eyebrow' seemed to raise, "I thought you weren't coming back till next month?"

The boy behind Tender stepped out to the side, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he laughed shyly. It was honestly adorable.

'B A B Y  B O Y ! !  I  M U S T  P R O T E C C ! ! !'

All of the enders looked over at me with surprise and confusion, while I kept a blank face.

'Surrender's' attention seemed to shift to me as well. He seemed surprised, probably even thought I was a casual human. It happened a couple of times with the others as well honestly...

"U-Um... I didn't know you had a new... friend-"

I was at his side in a millisecond, my arms wrapping around him as I squealed, "HOW ARE YOU SO DAMN CUTE?!?!"

"W-WHAT?!" He squeaked, but it only made my smile widen.

Offender laughed.

And not the usual chuckle, he literally arched over almost wheezing.

Some of the CPs did the same, but the others just kinda gave me a dead look.

Splendor smiled, "That's (Y/n), she's-"

'Special'  Tender chimed in, chuckling as I moved in front of Surrender, sticking my hand out to him.

"Hi!! It's nice to meet you!!" He slowly shook my hand, clearly now on edge due to my surprise attack.

"Yeah... um... my name's Surrender..."

A 'Friendly' Game of Tag (Laughing Jack x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora