Chapter 12

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'We care about you... now please, tell me who was chasing you'

I didn't hesitate to say-

"I don't know..! It just... was there..."

Sure, I felt bad for lying to them... but I don't want the clown to get even more angry with me..!

It's better this way, it'll be like it never happened!!

...I was so wrong...


After changing into the large shirt Slender lended to me, I crawled into bed.

"Just a few more hours... then I can leave..." I gently tugged at the covers, pulling them over me before digging my face into my pillow.

I let out a soft sigh, my eyelids growing heavy...

"... a few hours..." Slurring quietly, I let my eyes close...

And let the darkness consume me.

.  .  .

My eyes shot open, and my vision was quickly blurred by a bright light.

I held my hands up, blinking till I grew adjusted to the brightness. Only then did I notice my hands...

"...claws..?" I mumbled before looking ahead of me...

A full length mirror stood in the distance... but it slowly grew closer... and allowed me to see what I had truly turned to.

I was in my original form... wings and all...

Ignoring my appearance, I looked around me, my eyebrow arching slightly in confusion.

I then looked down.

Grass... gray grass...

"I'm outside..?" I mumbled before shifting my gaze behind me.

Turning... I began to walk towards the sliver of an opening, my wings fluttering and twitching as they brushed past crates and decayed tables.

My hands lifted from my sides, and gently took ahold of the curtain-like cover.

I tugged at it... once... twice... then finally-

It flew open, revealing the true outside.

I was in a... carnival-like place... games and tents set up for children's enjoyment.

Going forwards, a frown came to my lips, "Why is everything so... silent..?"

The place looked even more dead than the air.

If that makes sense

My feet planted into the ground, and my body went still as our eyes locked...

Well, they would have locked if it had eyes.

A short figure stood ahead of me by a few feet, it's body hollowed out enough for me to see right through it.

I was shocked.

"Hello..?" It did nothing but stare...

I tilted my head, about to speak up once more... but I was quickly interrupted by a tug at my white dress...

My head instantly snapped towards the creature, and my body swiftly jolted back.

It was another one, then there was another... and another...

They whispered... groaned... and even hissed... as they surrounded me.

Only then was I able to make out what they were.

'Children..? No, the souls of children... so still children, just dead'

I backed away, but then stepped forwards as the child behind me attempt to slash at my legs.

My breathing began to grow swift, and my eyes continued to dart back and forth, ahead and behind.

They all then paused... me doing the same...

Music began to gently play through the air, making the children whimper and disappear off into the shadows.

Quickly, I took the chance thrown at me, and ran towards the music...

If little beasts like them are afraid of something like this, then it has to be somewhat better...

As soon as I grew closer to the melody, I stopped, silently listening.

'Round and round the... this is Pop Goes the Weasel...'

I shook my head and continued to push forward, the music beginning to grow louder as I drew closer to it's source.

Eventually, a large tent came into my view, the flaps wide open, allowing an orange light to seep through.

I spread my wings, lifting myself off the ground before flying to the entrance, the music practically blaring in my ears.

But then... I crashed into the ground, the scenery around me changing swiftly.

I couldn't focus on anything, it was going too fast

My head spun as it all came to an abrupt stop, darkness surrounding me.

"W-Wh..." I trailed off as two... round screens appeared in front of me...

It was me... asleep...

After getting over my nausea, I stood, cautiously approaching the 'screens'.

They then began to zoom in on my figure... no... it was WALKING towards me.

My eyes widened, and I quickly pinched my arm, attempting to wake myself.

"WAKE UP!!! THERE'S SOMEONE THERE!!!!!" I yelled, but my body only shifted slightly.

I hit the screens, making the 'person' stop...

Their eyes, or the screens, shifted over to something else.

A mirror

My face fell as the person crouched down, revealing their face in the mirror with a grin.

Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes as he smirked, sitting down with his legs crossed. He then barely spoke up, his voice a soft... hushed whisper...

"Why didn't you tattle?"

A 'Friendly' Game of Tag (Laughing Jack x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora