Chapter 13

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Their eyes, or the screens, shifted over to something else.

A mirror

My face fell as the person crouched down, revealing their face in the mirror with a grin.

Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes as he smirked, sitting down with his legs crossed. He then barely spoke up, his voice a soft... hushed whisper...

"Why didn't you tattle?"


I jolted up, sweat rolling down my forehead as I scanned the room.

He was gone

"Why didn't you tattle?"

That was all I could think about as Splendor, Trendor, and I walked out of the mansion.

"Goodbye, miss (Y/n)!!!" Sally called with a smile, waving to me with a giggle.

I smiled slightly, And waved back to her, before continuing to recall my dream.

The enders were silent, looking ahead awkwardly.

"Soo... you okay, (N/n)?" I perked up, blinking before giving a quiet nod.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine... just thinking..."

He clearly wasn't convinced, but decided not to bother me about it.

Unlike Trendor

'What about?'

I shrugged, rubbing my arm nervously, "Nothing really... just about a dream I had last night..."

The two paused before continuing.

I silently cursed at myself for talking, and went silent, my mind going blank so that they couldn't 'read my mind'.

"What was the dream about?" Splendor continued, instantly making me pale slightly.

"N-Not much... just a creepy nightmare-"

'Laughing Jack'

I froze, my shoes planting themselves into the dirt below me.

"So, it was him then" Splendor mumbled, the two looking over at me in concern, "Why didn't you tell us..?"

"He asked that too..." I whispered, tears slowly beginning to roll down my cheeks.

---3rd Person POV---

The two's hearts shattered seeing the female like this...

Splendor quietly approached her, gently wrapping his arms under her thighs and back before lifting her bridle style.

"It's alright (Y/n)... we would never let him hurt you..." He whispered, while (Y/n) dug her face into his polka dotted suit with a shaky sigh.

Once the three made it to Trendor's mansion, Splendor set (Y/n) back down to her feet with a soft smile.

"I should get back to Slender... I promise to check in later, okay?" (Y/n) nodded, wrapping her arms around his torso shyly.

"Okay, be careful..." He chuckled, returning her hug with a soft, close eyed smile.

"I will be" He pecked her head before the two released each other.

Trendor 'smiled', opening the door for (Y/n) as Splendor teleported away.

---Your POV---

I followed Trendor inside then upstairs, 'I think you'll love your new room!!'

Giggling, I came to his side, looking up at him with a smile, "I'm sure it will be amazing, just like everything else you make"

Happy with the compliment (and the ego boost), he 'grinned', 'Thank you, (Y/n)'

"Well it's true" I playfully nudged his side, to which, he chuckled at.

We then stopped in front of a door.

But it was... strange...

'What..? This wasn't supposed to be like this... I swear'  His hands gently traced the scratches over my name, a growl escaping his chest.

He paused as I rested my hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, I'm sure-"

He turned to me and set me off to the side before opening the door...

Only to slam it shut

"Trendor..?" I mumbled, "What's wrong-"

'I'm sorry (Y/n)... but you may have to stay at Slender's home a little while longer...'

I froze, my eyes wide, "Wh-What? Why?"

He sighed, opening the door once more for me to see the destruction myself.

But I only turned away, tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

'I truly am sorry, (Y/n)-'

"No no... it's not your fault..." I turned to him, holding my hands in front of me in protest.


My expression then quickly shifted to an angered one, my hands clenching into fists.

"But I think I have an idea on who's fault it REALLY is" I muttered to myself, glaring at the floor.

I sped through the door of the Slender mansion, my eyes scanning over everyone that resided in the living room.

It was easy to spot the clown, seeing as of the fact that he was sitting on the back of the couch, staring directly at me.

While he grinned, I glared.

'(Y/n), we should tell Slender what happened-'

"It's alright... you go ahead" I looked over at him, smiling softly, "It would be easier for you to teleport anyways"

He 'smiled', nodding, before disappearing.

I turned, then yelped as I was only inches away from the... clown.

Swiftly, I regained my posture and crossed my arms, glaring right back at him.

"You know, you are really beginning to piss me off"

He simply giggled, narrowing his eyes.

I did the same, before scoffing, "You know what, screw you"

Summoning my halo, my wings spread, but just as I was about to run off after Trendor...

He spoke

The only time I had actually heard him speak was when I was dreaming, and when he was fighting with Jeff.

"You can run... you can hide... but I will always find you... (Y/n)" I was frozen in place, shrinking down as he towered over me.

'No... this is exactly what he wants..!'

And he was getting what he wanted.


He wanted me to tremble before him, cower in his presence...

And that pissed me off

So, I did the stupidest thing I could have ever done.

I BOOPED the tip of his cone nose

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